James Harrigan

Politicians Turn Problems Into Power

“Politicians make grandiose claims about their various and sundry programs because those claims resonate with the people who receive government largesse. In the end, people receive pennies on the dollar compared to what they could have received had we decided just to write a check. Our government has become a tool that politicians use to turn national problems into political power, so it should come as no surprise that they are not interested in solving problems at all.” ~ Antony Davies & James R. Harrigan

The Covid-19 Catastrophe

“When the next crisis comes along they will land on the same sorts of heavy-handed solutions they did this time. The only thing that will chasten them is the anger of the American people. Politicians did far more harm to Americans than Covid-19 did, and that’s what the American people need to remember next time our politicians start down the same pointless road.” ~ James Harrigan & Antony Davies


A Davies, JR Harrigan, M Teague. Social Philosophy and Policy 31 (2), 180-203