Jeffrey Tucker

Is the US Economy a Virtual Reality?

“It’s impossible to know precisely what the future portends for all these unprecedented policy shocks over the last year, from money supply and spending bonanzas to lockdowns to sky-high debt accumulation. But because a thing called cause-and-effect still operates in this world – we do not live in virtual reality – it seems wise to look at the seemingly great aggregate data with a gravely skeptical eye. We might be in the midst of the calm before the real storm hits.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker

The Anti-Lockdown Movement Is Large and Growing

“The reason why the lockdown advocates are intensifying their perception and exercise of hegemony right now is to forestall the possibility that the entire lockdown praxis will fall into massive disrepute. They will not get their way. Let the blowback begin.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker

The Debate Between Conservatives and Libertarians

“Most of the contributors to this book are deceased so we are left to speculate about what their views toward Covid lockdowns would be. I suspect most if not all would be astonished and horrified at the policy choices of this past year. These writers were not technocrats but humane and learned thinkers who focused on philosophy, law, history and economics. A principle that unites them all is the need for government never to sacrifice the liberties of the people for the sake of a grand experiment in material perfectionism – a principle we can reasonably suppose applies to pathogenic perfection as well.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker

Consumers Who Want Privacy Are Finally Getting Their Way

“The Internet and the app economy might someday live up to their promise. Rather than invading our personal autonomy, collecting data, and monetizing every aspect of our lives, they might start showing some respect for people. In contrast, if there is one thing that we should have discovered about governments in the last year, it is their lack of responsiveness to evidence, public opinion, science, or anything but their own power over people and their pride in always being right.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker

The Lockdown Paradigm Is Collapsing

“What will replace lockdown ideology? We can hope it will be the realization that the old principles of public health served us well, as did the legal and moral principles of human rights and restrictions on the powers of government.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker

Pathogens in One Lesson, Courtesy of Sunetra Gupta

“Why in the 21st century so many people have chosen to forget what we learned over the course of the 20th century is a true mystery. Fortunately, this book offers an elegant way back to recover our senses and pursue a more scientific approach to pandemics in the future.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker

Three Books on the Covid/Lockdown Catastrophe

“These are three of what will be thousands of books that will be appearing in the coming years on these tragic times. I’m willing to wager that most of these books will severely condemn the policy decisions of the last year, just as these have done. There will be a reckoning. These books are an excellent start.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker

Medical Journal Warns About Masks’ Potentially Devastating Consequences

“No matter how many times these people repeat the word ‘science,’ they are promoting precisely the opposite of science: dogma. By contrast, Dr. Baruch Vainshelboim is pushing us to think more broadly and fundamentally, in a way that connects with pre-2020 intuition, and for this he deserves immense credit, as does Medical Hypothesis for having published this paper. Both make a courageous attempt to analyze the costs of adopting universal masking, which is to say advancing real science.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker & Jenin Younes

Ludwig von Mises on Intellectual Obligation in Times of Crisis

“Are we willing to throw ourselves into the intellectual battle to make things right, to restore and secure essential liberties and rights, to erect barriers that make it impossible for the ruling class ever to attempt such an experiment again? Or will we be grateful that we can at least exercise some limited freedoms, however temporarily, and acquiesce to the idea that there is nothing wrong with a medical/industrial regime that acts arbitrarily and at its own discretion?” ~ Jeffrey Tucker

Another Covid Myth Dies the Death

“How many years will it take before people can come to terms with the embarrassing and scandalous reality that much of what posed as Science last year was made up on the fly and turns out to be wholly false?” ~ Jeffrey Tucker