Joakim Book

Public Goods in a Free Society

"Even under this supposed solution to a market failure, we’re getting less public goods than we get shafted for. Like many other well-intentioned public finance policies, in time they turn into pure money grabs." ~Joakim Book

Erik Angner’s Defense of Our Dismal Discipline

"The conversational tone is excellent for the wide audience he intends — those skeptical of economists and economics — and it’s easy enough to follow along his clear prose even for those without prior training in our arcane arts. " ~Joakim Book

Erik Angner’s Defense of Our Dismal Discipline

"The conversational tone is excellent for the wide audience he intends — those skeptical of economists and economics — and it’s easy enough to follow along his clear prose even for those without prior training in our arcane arts. " ~Joakim Book

Foot Voting Reconsidered: How Should I Think About Leaving?

"Compared to ballot voting, moving has larger individual impacts, which mean greater incentives to acquire knowledge; it provides a better signal to both the country you’re leaving and the one you’re joining." ~Joakim Book

Bitcoin Is ‘Resistance Money’

"Freedom money, wielded by its users and resistant to capture, identification, and censorship, doesn’t dispel unfair laws or make evil rulers go away — but almost nothing else does that either." ~Joakim Book