John Tamny

Be Serious, You Don’t Solve Lockdowns With More Central Planning

“Stated simply, the economy is weak because politicians imposed command-and-control lockdowns, and having done that, they poured gasoline on a fire of their own making with trillions more in spending. Let’s not vandalize common sense with more of what’s already failed. The only economic relief is an end to the lockdowns.” ~ John Tamny

pelosi, schumer

Are Lockdowns an Election-Year Ransom Note?

“Yet again raises a question about the why behind the continued limits placed on people, schools and businesses. They’ve never made sense in consideration of how thankfully rare death (or even serious illness) has been as a consequence of the virus, especially in recent weeks.” ~ John Tamny

The Pilfering of TikTok

“History is clear that when governments take things from private hands by force, what’s taken usually loses its value. What applies to the rest of the world also applies to us.” ~ John Tamny

The Best Virus Response Is Less Government, Not More

“Please ask yourself in your relative comfort just how deep your corona-religion is? Is it so deep that you’ll continue to turn a blind eye to the global suffering that’s taking place so that you can feel safe from a virus that thankfully kills so few? The lives of hundreds of millions of innocent people with exponentially less than you hang on your level of alarmism, and the strange joy you derive from being told what to do.” ~ John Tamny

restaurant, closed

The Mugging Of TikTok Should Embarrass Every Sentient American

“A Chinese company innovated, met the needs of people around the world, and President Trump responded by threatening a ban of the company before brokering a potential forced sale of the company to an American company. The whole world is watching, Americans. We deserve neither TikTok nor the very Chinese people who, if we’re honest, are trying to be like Americans used to be.” ~ John Tamny

china tik tok

The Office Will Come Back

“It’s so easy amid political panic for the all-knowing to contend that “this time is different.” Not really. Some things never change. One thing that won’t is the value gained by people working alongside one another.” ~ John Tamny

New York City, Sunrise

Dear Nail-Biting Lockdown Lovers: Capitalism Makes Your Choice Possible

“All you nail-biting lockdown lovers can’t have it both ways. You can’t demand strict sheltering-in-place while also lamenting soaring billionaire net worth; that is, unless you think you could have easily quarantined in 2000. In which case you’re not just self-righteous, you’re also dishonest.” ~ John Tamny

Government Has Forced Culinary Genius Into Paper and Plastic

“Politicians missed the boat completely in forcing restaurants into takeout concepts. For all too many chefs, this one-size-fits-all solution insulted and continues to insult their genius. This is about much more than money.” ~ John Tamny