John Tamny

Masked Lockdowns are UnAmerican

Americans don’t quarantine out of fear of viruses, nor do these rugged individualists uniformly don masks to protect themselves. Instead, Americans are the solution to whatever the problem is; always too busy and productive to be held back by shelter-in-place orders and fears of N-95 shortages.

The Economic Fundamentals of Jobs

The only answer, as always, is to end the lockdowns as soon as possible so that businesses can resume with market-disciplined investors and the marketplace itself guiding their decisions.

The Crisis Experts are Themselves the Crisis

So are Fauci and Gates wrong, or are Musk and Burry incorrect? Should local, state and national politicians seek economic re-opening, or is this virus so lethal that we must remain locked down for weeks? No one really knows. Since no one does, better for governments and experts to do nothing so that well-informed markets can bring clarity to that which is opaque.

Open Up and Let Free People Choose

If states are the laboratories of ideas in good times, why limit the experimentation in bad times with one-size-fits-all lockdowns?

Work Is Happiness, but Politicians Destroyed It

The problem yet again is that politicians on all levels panicked, and having panicked, they foisted cruel, one-size-fits-all solutions on their constituents that resulted in sick-inducing job loss and bankruptcy. In the process they robbed millions of what gives them daily meaning and happiness.

Don’t Plan to Reopen; Just Reopen

Freedom isn’t some feel-good, amorphous chant. It’s in fact pro-life and pro-growth simply because free people acting without forced limits show us through their successes and failures how to get by, and thrive, in life.

Peter Navarro Has Got to Go

To Navarro, the answer to every question is always and everywhere erecting barriers to the production of others. To say he amazingly believes something is to pretend a lot of thinking informs what he says. Probably not.

Why the Crisis Should Turn Everyone Into a Libertarian

The advances authored by private investment would put even more of us in the position to at least somewhat work around the errors of politicians who, when presented with a virus, chose to destroy the jobs of millions as a response.

Everyone Has a Human Right to Work

The Trump base wants to work. And likely needs to. The Trump administration should go out of its way to legalize the right to work so that desperate service employees and workers in general at least have the chance to fix their devastated situations.