John Tamny

The Attempt to Suffocate Huawei Is Foolish and Destined to Fail

Readers of this column are familiar with this historical truth, but it’s worth repeating in light of the ongoing conservative crack-up over Chinese communications giant Huawei. For clarity on the matter, it should be stated right away that if you’re selling a desirable good, you’re selling to EVERYONE. For background on what’s blindingly basic, back […]

Conservatives Need To Lay Off the Protectionist Nonsense

Robinson wraps himself in Reagan’s greatness, while basically calling for the state to do something very un-Reagan like in the form of dictating to Wall Street and U.S. companies how they should operate, and how they should extricate themselves from a rapidly liberalizing nation.

The FCC’s Treatment of Huawei Is a Tremendous Embarrassment

It’s said about Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson that he’s a particularly challenging opponent. With Jackson there’s no preparing for the run or pass; rather there’s preparing for the run, pass, along with the horrifying possibility that Jackson himself will run the ball. With only eleven defenders, opposing coaches seem to be implying that they […]

The Impossibility of Negative Rates

The economics discussion would be greatly enhanced if it were better understood that underlying all spending, selling, saving, lending, borrowing, and investing is an exchange of products, services or labor. Real things are always and everywhere being moved around when “money” changes hands. It cannot be stressed enough that “money” is just an agreement about […]

In Defense of Lebron James

It’s not the job of businesses and businessmen to help achieve political or policy aims. Instead, it’s the job of businesses and businessmen and women to make profits.