John Tamny

Imagining Year 2020 Without Fauci, Redfield, USIAID, and the CDC

“Scared of their own shadow politicians let experts like Fauci and Redfield terrify them into a command-and-control stance. The rest is tragic history as jobs and businesses vanished in a climate of fear created by politicians and bureaucrats who would never miss a paycheck or a meal.” ~ John Tamny

Restricting Freedom Didn’t Defeat Covid

“Even though freedom is its own wondrous virtue, panicky politicians erased it in 2020 on the supposition that personal and economic desperation was the best solution for a spreading virus. Historians will marvel at the abject stupidity of the political class in 2020.” ~ John Tamny

The New York Times Argues With Itself About Biden and Taxes

“Government spending by its very name is the politicized allocation of precious wealth first created in the private sector. In other words, government spending delays the mass production of yesterday’s luxuries and tomorrow’s must-haves by limiting investment. Page B1 in the April 29th New York Times shows us why this is true.” ~ John Tamny

The Extraordinary Naivete Of The Democrats’ Economic Planning

“The Democrats and their media enablers plainly believe that wealth just happens, that it once again exists to be taken. What else could explain the childish economic narrative created by Biden’s aides, and reported in unquestioning fashion by rather gullible reporters?” ~ John Tamny

Where’s Dr. Fauci As Another Corona-Myth Dies?

“In this case, the deniers who lived their lives were correct. Avoiding all contact proved idiotic. The ‘doubters’ had science on their side. It’s all yet again a reminder that hysterical certitude isn’t the same as knowledge. Emotion is its own form of denial.” ~ John Tamny

Janet Yellen Is Serious, and That’s Really Sad

“Yellen plainly feels individual U.S. tax rates aren’t high enough, so she seeks global tax harmonization on the corporate level in order to get another swipe at individuals. On their own, Yellen’s desires rate ridicule. As evidenced by the trillions Treasury collects every year from taxpayers in order to fund a government with powers ‘few and defined,’ Americans are already overtaxed.” ~ John Tamny

No, This Was Not Federalism at Work

“As opposed to deferring to the states, the federal government acted in ‘size’ fashion, thus making the life, economy and freedom-wrecking lockdowns much more stringent, all the while elongating them. When we needed the genius of states’ rights the most, panicky politicians trampled on them. Here’s hoping a strategy that was so inimical to knowledge, health and economic vitality is not attempted again.” ~ John Tamny

The Day that Trump Panicked, and Wrecked His Presidency

“Trump didn’t act like Trump. Positioned to be himself, and in the process scoring monumental victories of the political, economic, and statesmen variety, Trump lost his nerve. We suffer to varying degrees his inability to be true to himself last March to this very day. The problem was that Trump panicked.” ~ John Tamny

Lockdown Proponents Have Seemingly Forgotten North Sentinel Island In 2018

“Lockdowns furthered the rather backwards notion that our health is improved if we’re separated from one another. Not at all. Isolated people aren’t saved from what threatens their health as much the inevitable infection from the threat is delayed. Worse is what the isolation means over the longer term. The North Sentinelese are a very real reminder of how cruelly bankrupt the run-and-hide strategy is as a broad form of virus mitigation.” ~ John Tamny

How Lockdowns Devastated the Cruise Industry

“Hopefully readers will also keep in mind how quickly politicians can wreck things, and how quickly their destruction robs people and businesses of dignity. Right now, the formerly soaring cruise industry is once again ‘waiting anxiously for Washington’s go-ahead to sail again.’ Please think about that. And how wrong it is.” ~ John Tamny