John Tamny

Contra Nicholas Kristof, Presidential Ink Will Never ‘Scrub’ Away Poverty

“It cannot be stressed enough that if poverty were about money, then it would have been wholly erased long ago given the trillions spent on its mitigation. Admirable as Kristof’s idealism is, it’s just that. Nothing more. The perfect world he envisions cannot and will not be created by the stroke of a pen.” ~ John Tamny

Do Some Workers And Business Owners Secretly Prefer Lockdown Misery?

“About what’s been said, it should be stressed once again that it’s in no way a defense of the indefensible lockdowns. It’s merely an attempt to understand why some might prefer that the indefensible remain. One possibility is that a lack of competition is comfort for those who would prefer not to compete.” ~ John Tamny

A Case for ‘Operation Warp Speed’ As An Odious Form of Cronyism

“These are questions worth asking amid all the back slapping taking place over the creation of corona-vaccines. Conservatives in particular normally think of tradeoffs, of the unseen, and of the dangers presented by partnerships between politicians and private businesses. Not now, however, which should have readers wondering if even bigger bills for political panic over the virus await.” ~ John Tamny

Can the U.S. Economy Grow Without Immigration?

“While immigration isn’t necessary for U.S. growth so long as the American people are free to exchange with the rest of the world, the rest of the world’s inhabitants would likely be more productive if they worked in the U.S. In short, prosperity made great by work divided globally would be quite a bit greater if more of the work was divided up by those people in the United States. That’s really something to think about.” ~ John Tamny

Kevin Durant’s Genius Vivifies the Abject Stupidity of the Lockdowns

“This tragic imposition of command-and-control by politicians means progress against career-ending injuries for athletes will likely slow, the discovery of what will eventually render the internet primitive will similarly be rendered a more distant object, and then progress against diseases that still kill us will have been relatively suffocated. All so politicians could ‘do something.'” ~ John Tamny

Would You Support the Lockdowns If It Meant Losing Your Own Job?

“Belief in the corona-religion is thin, but much worse, it’s gutless. People believe as long their jobs and their businesses aren’t being destroyed. Twenty or one hundred years ago they wouldn’t have been so sanguine. Let’s never stop reminding them of this truth.” ~ John Tamny

Tesla’s Bitcoin Purchase Is the Start of a Bullish Monetary Future

“The bullish future that Tesla seems to be helping to usher in is one of private monies replacing government money, of individuals asking for compensation in money they trust over money that governments haven’t always overseen in trustworthy fashion. Elon Musk is helping to bring the future into the present. We’ll all be better off as a result.” ~ John Tamny

Imagine If the Virus Had Never Been Detected

“The virus didn’t suddenly start spreading in March of 2020 just because politicians decided it had. 2019 is the likelier beginning. Early 2020 too. Life was pretty normal as a virus made its way around the world then. Politicians made it abnormal. Let’s never forget the sickening carnage they can create when they find reasons to ‘do something.'” ~ John Tamny

Dismiss All the Populist GameStop Hype: Short Sellers Are Heroes

“Keep this in mind as pundits make their silly arguments about GameStop’s price action signaling a shift of power away from hedge funds, and back to the little guy. Such a view isn’t true, plus it ignores the heroics of short sellers. They’re in truth price givers, and the economy couldn’t function without them.” ~ John Tamny