“If coronavirus takes a lunch break then it will soon enough take many more breaks throughout the day. Absurd eventually swallows itself. Even in California and New York.” ~ John Tamny
His book on current ideological trends is: They Are Both Wrong (AIER, 2019)
“If coronavirus takes a lunch break then it will soon enough take many more breaks throughout the day. Absurd eventually swallows itself. Even in California and New York.” ~ John Tamny
“While it would be wrong to forgive federal student debt, let’s not add to what’s incorrect with nonsensical allusions to ‘real America’ paying for bailouts of Beverly Hills, Manhattan and Pacific Heights.” ~ John Tamny
“The more a country tests, the more infections that country will unearth. Doctors and other experts can decide for themselves whether relentless testing is good, bad, or not terribly relevant, but it presumably explains a lot when it comes to virus spread in the U.S. More than politicians and sub-editors want to admit, their predictions and headers are really just statements of a not so dark or terrifying obvious.” ~ John Tamny
“Freedom is always the answer, including freedom to not join the herd. Unknown is why this bothers so many on the left, not to mention why what’s timeless bothers them. It seems they enjoy forcing their values on others, and more than that, they positively revel in being told what to do.” ~ John Tamny
“Better than Friedman’s authoritarianism is choice. Really, who needs to be told to be careful if a virus is spreading that might make us sick, or if we’re very old (according to the New York Times) might in very rare circumstances kill us? If something threatens, the logical answer is yet again freedom. Sadly the U.S. failed there, but even then the failure had a local quality to it.” ~ John Tamny
“Needless to say, the high survivability rate for the virus doesn’t square with some of the anger directed at China. The anger contradicts the survivability number, plus it excuses politicians, experts and pundits for their role in what’s easily the biggest unforced error of the 21st century; one that has hundreds of millions rushing toward starvation. All for what?” ~ John Tamny
“If Facebook is to remain dominant and relevant, readers can rest assured that it will remain on top precisely because Instagram will eventually be yesterday’s news within Facebook; the photo and video-sharing juggernaut of the moment eclipsed by business lines or apps that market participants are presently dismissive of, undervaluing, or both.” ~ John Tamny
“Really, where did conservatives and/or Republicans ever get the idea that we’re improved the more that our politicians weaken our competitors? And since national security is regularly bruited as the excuse for nascent protectionism, where did they ever get the idea that the latter would make us safer in a foreign policy sense?” ~ John Tamny
“The New York Times might think about this as it publishes alarmist headlines that obscure actual truths reported within the paper. It’s sad when we lose our grandparents and old people more broadly, but it’s tragic to read of people starving, and heart-wrenching to contemplate formerly productive workers sitting, waiting for customers; increasingly aware that what puts a roof over their heads will no longer. Proportion New York Times, proportion.” ~ John Tamny
“Ultimately what’s happening is irresponsible in addition to unreasonable. Let’s stop penalizing Chinese businesses for having the temerity to operate under less than ideal political conditions. They’re more like we are than most want to admit.” ~ John Tamny