Jon Sanders

Dark Matter and the Swimming Pool App

“DHHS wants to regulate pool rentals without going through the process of formal rulemaking. So the agency releases a guidance document telling impressionable county officials and homeowners that, as far as they’re concerned, they’re treating Swimply rentals as if they have a rule in place.” ~Jon Sanders

The “New Study Finds” Approach to Overregulation

“The distinction between correlation and causation is not important to those who want to expand governmental power. An aggressive bureaucracy needs only an affectation of justification for a regulation or ban already in the works.” ~ Jon Sanders

Take Your Foot off the Gas

“If environmental zealots in the Biden administration were to get their way, then something would have to answer the call for such a huge increase in electricity demand. Do they have an answer for this challenge?” ~ Jon Sanders

The New-Normaling of Blackouts

“Before, rolling blackouts were a California problem, then they also became a Texas problem. Blackouts are spreading faster than even Imperial College London modelers would find believable.” ~ Jon Sanders

Reddy or Not, Winter Is Coming

“Any time, but especially in the depths of the cold, electricity consumers must still be able to count on electricity ‘always there/with lots of power to spare’ as they have for 100 years.” ~ Jon Sanders

Salute to the Sensible

“If we are going to accomplish Oster’s ‘work together to build back and move forward,’ it’s imperative to acknowledge and address the wrongs done that tore everything down and everyone apart.” ~ Jon Sanders

Europe Needs American Energy, Not Fake Kryptonite

“A greater available supply of American natural gas and oil to European nations would reduce their dependence on Russian supplies. Americans would also enjoy lower oil and gas prices, more plentiful natural gas, a more robust and secure energy environment, and a more stable economy.” ~ Jon Sanders

Which Lasts Longer, Spike Proteins or CDC ‘Facts?’

“The constant churn of revisions leaves us with many questions, when the whole point of producing a page entitled ‘Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines’ was to prevent such a thing. They are, unfortunately, very big questions.” ~ Jon Sanders