Kai Weiss is a Research Fellow at the Austrian Economics Center and a board member of the Hayek Institute. His main research interests are political philosophy, European politics, and technology, and his works have been published in various outlets, including CityAM, CapX, The American Conservative, and the Mises Institute. Follow him on Twitter.
Under a loose-money regime, the powerful get the new money first.
Those who argue for a decentralized and free Europe, now overshadowed from the left and right, need to find a voice and make a positive change.
The real “America First” approach would be to just do the most American thing of all: to implement an agenda on individual liberty, personal responsibility, and a (very) limited government.
Sorry, but it is historical fact that the German National Socialists was a nationalist party.
To regain civility in human interactions and finally treat other human beings as human beings again, we would do well to get politics out of human affairs.
Economists have pondered for centuries, if not millennia, how to get rid of poverty, starvation, and all other kinds of social ills. Seemingly they did not think about asking Luigi di Maio, the 32-year-old deputy prime minister of Italy.
The response by the EU has been mind boggling: instead of relaxing its tight rules, it has doubled down, and in recent years expanded its War on Innovation ever more.
State-run or state-privileged companies have for many decades dominated European markets. But the moment the opportunity arose for others to enter the market, those very companies faltered, while others are currently prevailing. The benefits are immense.