Kimberlee Josephson

Work Won’t Love You Back, And That Is How It Should Be

"We have so much more today than previous generations, and any discretionary income we can derive from the work that we perform allows us to pursue the activities that we are passionate about. When we work hard, we love life more." ~ Kimberlee Josephson

Who Is To Blame in the Moral Marketing Game

"If we want companies to stop engaging in woke-washing, we must steer the incentives back toward supporting firms for their core offerings and stop basing our purchases according to cause-related marketing messages and social labels." ~ Kimberlee Josephson

Forgotten Factors in the Student Debt Debate

"So, before all Americans become the bearers of ivory tower bills, greater consideration should be given to the various spillover costs involved. As in the words of Thomas Sowell, 'There are no solutions, there are only trade-offs.'” ~ Kimberlee Josephson

The PFAS Packaging Predicament: McDonald’s Isn’t Loving It

"Experimentation is necessary for firms to advance their offerings, which can lead to an improved society. Consumers should be wary of using the power of the courts rather than the power of their purse to influence business practices." ~ Kimberlee Josephson

Working from Home Is Not for Everyone

"Organizations should aim to develop managerial structures that engage, enable, and empower workers rather than institute egalitarian systems that eliminate guidance and growth and limit opportunities for the decentralization of power." ~ Kimberlee Josephson

Why ESG Ratings Are like Netflix’s Inventing Anna

"ESG is intertwined within the upper crust of global institutions, and despite the exposure of data discrepancies within intergovernmental organizations or mounting concerns regarding ESG efficacy, the UN isn’t about to give up its plans." ~ Kimberlee Josephson