Laura Williams

Young People Aren’t Nearly Angry Enough About Government Debt

"We each owe more than $100,000 as a share of the national debt… Our earning years are subsidizing not our own economic coming-of-age, but retirement and medical benefits for people who navigated a less-challenging wealth-building landscape." ~Laura Williams

Everything in Installments? Shifting Consumer Credit Norms

"The proliferation of lending tools for small purchases, and the expanded access to credit they represent, are likely a win for consumers. But, as ever, individual responsibility and responsible business implementation will matter a great deal." ~ Laura Williams

Tax Day: Inverting the Experience

"Tax season’s sophisticated sleight-of-hand will have most Americans wondering what they’ll buy with their refund, instead of questioning whether they saw results for all the dollars they won’t get back." ~ Laura Williams

Ga. Reps Slice Possible Lifeline for Kids in Failing Schools

"School choice will continue to be a battle across the nation, because some special interests have been given control over millions of children and billions of dollars, and they won’t give that power up without a fight." ~ Laura Williams

DC’s Dim-Witted Lightbulb Moment

"In Mercantilist Europe, and in the ever-murkier swamps of Washington, DC, cozy relations between industry and government result in such price-fixing contrivances and anti-public conspiracies being issued by regulation as well." ~ Laura Williams