Leonard Liggio

  • I Forget What You Did Last Summer

    Has the current crisis destroyed the market’s “property memory systems”? by Leonard Liggio Hernando de Soto contributed a column to a series, “Capitalism in Crisis”, in the Financial Times (January 31, 2012). Its title is: “Knowledge lies at the heart of western capitalism.” Although he does not mention F. A. Hayek’s pioneering work on knowledge…

  • 2010 CMRE Conference Summary by Leonard Liggio

    On Thursday, May 20, the Committee for Monetary Research & Education (CMRE) held a meeting on the state and future of the dollar. The focus of the meeting was to shed light on the question: “Is the Dollar a Zombie?” The admirable James Grant recently wrote the editorial Requiem for the Dollar which prompts the…

  • Murray N. Rothbard and Jacksonian Banking

    Murray N. Rothbard was the consummate scholar in several fields. From my first meeting with Murray Rothbard, attending Ludwig von Mises seminar at New York University, more than forty years before the sadness of his death, I knew him longest as an economic historian.              

    Murray N. Rothbard and Jacksonian Banking