Llewellyn King

New ‘Hunger Winter’ Looms as Europe Prepares to Shiver

“The democracies are riven with culture wars and other indulgences as Europe’s crisis is in the making. For much of the rest of the world, a new Hunger Winter looms. Many will be cold this winter, others will be hungry. Untold numbers will die.” ~ Llewellyn King

Happy Birthday, America; Now Mind How You Go

“America the Beautiful, I wish you a happy birthday. I thank you for your generosity over these decades, and I say sincerely, ‘Mind how you go.’ The world needs your seeking to be fair and just, and full of possibility, not divided and rancorous, and a threat to yourself.” ~ Llewellyn King

Censorship Isn’t the Solution to Social Media’s Ills

“When you start down this slope there is no apparent end. Euphemisms take over from plain speech, and we live in a society in which the use of the wrong word can suggest that you are not fit for public office or to teach.” ~ Llewellyn King

The Political Class Needs to Level with Us

“We are in for a long and difficult period, which began with the pandemic that disrupted supply chains and set off inflation, and now the war in Ukraine has compounded that.” ~ Llewellyn King

Echoes of the Vietnam War: Journalists Begin To Take a Stand

“You can’t give the lie the same credence as the truth or you will hide in false equivalence and fail the public. Even journalists I know who are socially and politically conservative are signing on to the idea that they must take a stand for the truth.” ~ Llewellyn King