Lucio Saverio-Eastman

On the “Tyranny of Freedom”

“As the world begins to reopen, we should all take careful stock of the freedoms and liberties we have retained and ones we may have lost. Most importantly, however, we should shake off the hooks, lines, and sinkers of the world’s tyrants and enforcement sycophants to begin again with a fresh perspective.” ~ Lucio Saverio Eastman

Pathological and Parochial Altruism in the Age of Fear

“A healthy altruism already resides in the concepts of liberty, free markets, free trade, and exchanges that are beneficial to each individual. If in the spirit of entrepreneurship, the defectors from the status quo, the disruptors and ingenious can rise up to challenge the “new normal” and break away from the cult of blind obedience and pathological altruism, then there is still hope.” ~ Lucio Saverio Eastman

pathological parochial altruism

Max Forrester Eastman: The Gangster of the Pen

“Max Eastman published detailed explanations that socialism, passed off as a social science, is in fact a disguised religious belief. Eastman revealed evidence of spiritual and animist elements in Marxism that, despite Karl Marx and others’ attempts to remove and erase them, are undeniably present throughout socialist ideology.” ~Lucio Saverio-Eastman

Claude McKay with Max Eastman

Help AIER Make the Next Economics Rap Battle Video

The video AIER is putting together with the highest professional standards seeks to present both their views fairly and accurately but in a way that it is entertaining and informative. It will inspire further study and a real dedication to ideas.


What Can Special Economic Zones Do for Us? (Video)

Sven Schütt is a visiting scholar at AIER and a MA student in the PPE program at Cevro, specializing in Austrian Economics and behavioral policy making. He is writing his MA thesis on Special Economic Zones and how they can help our nation’s wealth.

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Cause and Control Is Back in Print

An amazing book appeared before FDR was elected that explained all economic events, using sound economic logic and evidence. The crash, this book said, was the result of monetary mismanagement by the Federal Reserve and distorted price and interest rate signals.


George Gilder at AIER: Life After Google (Full Video)

George Gilder’s recent book might be his biggest seller yet, and this is after a career of rocking both the intellectual and political worlds with visionary works that have anticipated and then defined the technological and policy trends of the times. His book is Life After Google, and its focus is on the rise of decentralization in what he called the Cyrptocon. He explains why the tech giant’s business model may not work in the future and how the cryptocon will provide a replacement. 
