Micha Gartz

Fauci: “It’s a Manifestation of Your Honesty to Say, ‘Hey, I Was Wrong.’”

“Both Fauci and the CDC’s lack of transparency and honest communication during Covid will be remembered and will undermine public support in future pandemic responses. Perhaps if Dr. Fauci had spent less time indulging his desire for air time (with 300+ media appearances in 12 months) and honestly communicated up-to-date scientific findings, more Americans would feel comfortable about returning to normal life.” ~ Micha Gartz

The Baby Bump that Wasn’t

“Few people would willingly take on additional stressors during lockdowns, uncertainty and financial stress during Covid. Depriving expectant mothers of significant milestones, such as baby showers and gender reveal parties isolates them from supportive networks of friends and family essential to reducing stress and improving mood.” ~ Micha Gartz

More “Covid Suicides” than Covid Deaths in Kids

“Society needs to remember that the stolen Covid generation will one day run the country. Teachers resisting returning to class should recognize that this generation currently locked-in to bedroom Zoom classes will one day care for us in our old age. And politicians should remember that this generation whose rights have so blatantly been violated will soon be able to vote.” ~ Micha Gartz

Seven Times “Superspreader” Events Were Overblown

“In an international comparison between countries that implemented lockdown policies and those that did not, Stanford University researchers found ‘no evidence of large anti-contagion effects from mandatory stay-at-home and business closure policies.’ Perhaps if the media reported on these findings, there wouldn’t be a superspreader LAPD task force forcibly dispersing ‘nonessential’ gatherings.” ~ Micha Gartz & Jack Nicastro

What Does It Mean for a Virus to Become ‘Endemic?’

“The sooner we recognize Covid as endemic, the sooner we can overcome this unfettered hysteria. By comparison to the previous year’s headlines, the media would no longer be able to act as a foghorn of fear-mongering. Citizens could become increasingly tolerant of the virus, and responsibility for personal risk and decisions to access medical care will once again belong to individuals.” ~ Micha Gartz

What They Said about Lockdowns before 2020

“Significant present-day evidence continuously demonstrates that mass quarantine is both ineffectual at preventing disease spread as well as harmful to individuals. Learning the wrong lesson – assuming that mass quarantines are both good and effective – sets a dangerous precedent for future pandemics.” ~ Amelia Janaskie & Micha Gartz

The Global Guinea Pig: Airlines to Discriminate Based on Your Medical Status

“Future politicians may be tempted to deny potential immigrant groups entry under the guise of a ‘public health threat.’ Digital health passes could be extended to include: influenza, hepatitis, measles, tuberculosis, Zika, HIV and STDs. And all because, during our trip down Covid-hysteria highway, we threw waivers and personal responsibility out the window.” ~ Micha Gartz

Does Science Really Demand that Bars and Restaurants Close?

“Until we start questioning ‘the science’ or demand that our policymakers stop hiding behind the boastful yet ambiguous label of ‘science’ and adequately identify precisely what evidence they are following, we will be sucked into an endless spiral of cyclical shutdowns.” ~ Micha Gartz

Covid As a Source of Election Interference

“There are so many other ways to interfere in an election than to tamper with voting machines – manipulating perceptions of Covid is just one of them.” ~ Micha Gartz

The Great Barrington Declaration Is Not Saying ‘Lock Up Grandma’

“The Great Barrington Declaration doesn’t deny that Covid-19 may lead to sickness and death in elderly and vulnerable individuals, but its focus is on avoiding the unnecessary physical, mental, social, economic, and educational impacts of lockdowns, which if appended to a discussion appear as a mere footnote to the policy debate.” ~ Michaa Gartz and Amelia Janaskie