Paul Alexander

COVID-19 Mandates Will Not Work for the Delta Variant

“There is absolutely no good reason to re-enter lockdowns and school closures or masking in response to the Delta variant. We find no evidence that this variant warrants masks in children.” ~ AIER Contributing Authors

Lockdowns are No Substitute for Focused Protection

“Good public health policy must reflect this interwoven relationship between pathogen, pathology, and social and economic equality, not merely impose the blunt and devastating ‘nonpharmaceutical interventions’ indiscriminately on the whole of the population.” ~ AIER Contributing Authors

14 Months Later: A Pathway Forward

“We call on the medical experts who inform governments to likely for the first time, use some common sense and logic and some critical thinking; if it is all about the science, we implore the medical decision-makers to follow the data and science and to use it and use critical analysis of the data; we argue they have not; these decision-makers must understand the impact of their policies and stopping Covid ‘at all costs’ is not a policy and not attainable.” ~ AIER Contributing Authors

Vaccine Passports vs. Freedom Itself

“The devastating pandemic response by governments and their often illogical, unscientific, unsound, and often absurd expert medical advisors (Task Forces) and television medical experts have left lives and societies in ruin. Vaccine passports promise to dwarf what we have witnessed across the last year due to the unintended consequences and collateral damage related to our ill-informed responses to SARS-CoV-2!” ~ AIER Contributing Authors

The Dangers of Masks

“We are in uncharted territory and especially so with the possible implications for our children. Their immune systems are still being developed and we are forcing lockdowns, school closures, and masking on a developing child and we have no prior experience on the subsequent outcomes pertaining to children’s development, health, and well-being. These are matters too important to nonchalantly disregard. The consequences could be catastrophic and lifelong, especially for our children.” ~ AIER Contributing Authors

If You Had Covid, Do You Need the Vaccine?

“We implore health care providers to explain the benefits and risks to their patients, in full, so that they can be fully informed in their decision-making. This can only happen if there is: 1) immediate suspension of coercive tactics, 2) physician supervision and orders for vaccination, 3) public information presented with fair balance as it would with any pharmaceutical or device product.” ~ AIER Contributing Authors

We Must Not Be Forced Into Vaccinating Our Children From COVID

“We make this plea and urge those in the medical field to reiterate the need for a thorough examination of the science of efficacy, the potential risks to the children and the evidence that supports the need for such a medical intervention foisted on our children. Failing which, it would seem a violation of the Hippocratic Oath, ‘Above all do no harm.’ We will address the insanity of vaccine passports in a subsequent op-ed.” ~ AIER Contributing Authors

Why are We Vaccinating Children against Covid-19?

“Vaccinating our children with a possibly harmful (untested) vaccine to them and with no basis given their risk profile, must be pushed back upon hard by parents. Parents are the voices of their children now on vaccinating their children and on the other looming disaster, Covid-19 ‘vaccine passports,’ that are as illogical and dangerous as vaccines for children under 12! Americans must stand up now to this! ” ~ AIER Contributing Authors

CDC vs. Common Sense

“Our governmental agencies are bestowed with certain powers to safeguard the lives of individuals and not to harass and subjugate them to the whims of a few narrow field ‘experts’ who have no idea about the well-being of the society as a whole. We are allowing government agencies and inept government bureaucrats and technocrats to destroy our lives and futures. Stopping Covid ‘at all costs’ will destroy us societally and globally!” ~ AIER Contributing Authors

Masking Children: Tragic, Unscientific, and Damaging

“Masking children is as absurd, illogical, nonsensical, and potentially dangerous as trying to stop ‘every case of Covid’ or ‘stopping Covid at all costs.’ Masks are not needed for children based on near zero risk in children. The risk of dying from Covid-19 is ‘almost zero’ for young people. The issue of masks in children is really a risk management question for parents and any decision-maker. The science is settled.” ~ AIER Contributing Authors