Richard M. Ebeling

John Stuart Mill on Slavery and the American Civil War

In the heated and sometimes angry exchanges over the history of slavery and the place of liberalism in the great contest between freedom and bondage in the 19th century, we should appreciate how determined, dedicated, and publicly demanding were many of those classical liberal thinkers.

Joseph A. Schumpeter, Outsider Looking In

All of Joseph Schumpeter’s writings are “a splendid excursion down the river of time, with good talk and magnificent vistas” – and as such he remains, in many ways, one of those timeless and uniquely thought-provoking contributors to economics.

In Defense of the Quid Pro Quo

It is not the occurrence of quid pro quos that are a problem in society. It is all a matter of whether they are free and voluntary

The Perils and Pitfalls of Political Paternalism

Across the spectrum of differing political views, whether “progressive,” “nationalist,” “populist,” or “conservative,” there is a common presumption in all of their policy positions and programs. That common dominator is […]

The Miracle of the Free Market

One of the great fallacies arrogantly believed in by those in political power is the notion that they can know enough to manage and command the lives of everyone in […]

Business Ethics and Morality of the Marketplace

Who do people consider to be less ethical or honest than either telemarketers or used car salesman? If you said Washington politicians, you’d be right on the button. According to […]