Richard M. Ebeling

Central Banking Is Central Planning

The long history of central banking, and especially over the last 100 years of paper monies and out-of-control government deficit spending partly funded by “monetization” of the debt, has more than clearly demonstrated that the epoch of modern central banking needs to come to an end.


Free Market Liberalism Is Needed More Than Ever

Various political and ideological trends have often seemed inevitable and irreversible — until they have changed! And it can happen again — if only friends of freedom at least try.


Has Modernity Made Us Indecent?

Compelling people to be “decent” through government taxing and spending in fact drains decency from human relationships.


The Dangers of the New Democratic Socialism

Regardless of the intentions or naïve beliefs, a system of democratic socialism cannot escape imposing commands and controls over economic life any noticeably different than those that were in existence in the old Soviet Union.


No Sanitized Pages in History, Please!

A free press and an open intellectual environment is one that should not only challenge the words and deeds of governments in the name of liberty, but should unearth, investigate, and inform the professional and lay public about the realities and truths of the world in which we all live, in both their ugliness and their beauty, in their uplifting acts and their despicable deeds.


Clarity on Diversity and Pluralism

Diversity, inclusion, participatory democracy, pluralism, and peace dictated and determined by ideological tyrants and power-lusting interest groups using political means to achieve their ends through governmental force and collectivist intimidation undermines and then destroys the alternative and far-better world of peaceful persuasion or attractive offers in the voluntary arena of market exchange.


Political Contests Are Between Competing Socialisms

The classical liberal must remake the moral case for individual liberty and the individual rights without which freedom cannot last in the long run – and remake the case for why the paternalism of socialism and the welfare state leaves us less human than we can or should want to be.


The Global Economy Desperately Needs Freedom

We take for granted the miraculous ability technology has now given us to travel to and communicate with virtually any place on the planet in little or no time. Yet we allow governments and their bureaucracies to use their coercive powers to constrain us from having the full freedom to create, produce, trade, and travel to pursue our mutually beneficial purposes and cooperative plans to peacefully and productively make our lives better.


The Myth of Aggregate Demand and Supply

In the simplistic Keynesian-type view of things, all that needs to be done from the government’s policy perspective is to run budget deficits or create money through the banking system to push up aggregate demand.


Carl Menger: A Biographical Appreciation by Friedrich von Wieser

AIER is pleased to present the first English translation of Friedrich von Wieser’s memorial appreciation of Carl Menger, the founder of the Austrian School, published in German not long after Menger’s passing in 1921. Wieser (1851-1926) was one of the leading contributors in the “second generation” of the Austrian School of Economics. 
