Richard M. Ebeling

A Declaration of Independence from Big Government

"It is we, who believe in the liberty for which the Founding Fathers pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor in that war of independence, who must do all in our power to restore that crucial understanding and appreciation of individual freedom and individual rights among our fellow citizens, without which that great American 'experiment' in political and economic individualism may be lost beyond recovery." ~ Richard M. Ebeling

“Progressives” Blame F. A. Hayek for Everything They Dislike

"Slobodian's vision – clearly one parallel to or coterminous with a socialist remake of society – would turn us away from all of liberalism’s accomplishments, however imperfect and incomplete they have been, and take us back to the primitive tribalism that Friedrich Hayek explained has taken humanity so long to escape from." ~ Richard M. Ebeling

Learning about Liberty and Its Loss

"Those interested in liberty in all its facets — philosophical, personal, political, economic, social — must realize the importance of taking seriously the study of the ideas and history of freedom, and the challenges that have brought about the counterrevolution against a free society that we are once again confronting." ~ Richard M. Ebeling

The Political Paternalists Take Aim at Milton Friedman

"How very disappointed Mr. Carter will no doubt be, when the policies he espouses end up, once again, having the disastrous effects they have always produced in the past. Much to Mr. Carter’s chagrin, it will be Milton Friedman’s ideas on liberty that will be shown to be the far more enduring ones." ~ Richard M. Ebeling

free to choose

The Labor Shortage Is a Government-Contrived Scarcity

"Contrived scarcities, in principle, could be gone tomorrow if the government’s economic policies fostering, creating and sustaining them were abolished and eliminated. The individual’s freedom of choice and action as both consumer and producer will have been more fully restored with a less intervening government." ~ Richard M. Ebeling

Free Market Liberalism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

"The recent 11 days of warfare between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has once more raised the issue of one-state or two-state 'solutions' to the over seven decade Israel-Palestinian conflict. In the long run, neither is a viable option outside of a politics of individual liberty and an economics of free markets." ~ Richard M. Ebeling

Jacques Novicow, Sociologist of Peace and Freedom

"All that Jacques Novicow saw as the experienced and potential benefits from the peaceful and productive associations among human beings, however, was dependent on the end to a spirit of both international war and domestic plunder in the form of misguided government interventions; the worst of such domestic forms of plunder and societal disintegration, he said, would be if socialism were to triumph anywhere in the world." ~ Richard M. Ebeling

Inflation Is a Dangerous Way to Get Rid of Debt Burdens

"The United States is in dangerous waters if it becomes 'general wisdom' and 'popular opinion' among public policy analysts and politicians that governments can spend all they want, in any amount, by just running huge annual budget deficits and expanding the national debt because it can all be made to go away through a magician’s trick of monetary expansion and currency debasement" ~ Richard M. Ebeling

The Paternalist Instincts of a Central Planner

"We are in the presidential executive grip of someone who is determined to make us all the players on a grand stage of life upon which he gets to make up and make right for his own frustration, anger, and embarrassment that he experienced as a youngster over a world that did not give his father a 'decent break.' We have a 78-year-old president with some very serious paternalism issues." ~ Richard M. Ebeling

Monetary Inflation’s Game of Hide-and-Seek

"Whether the CPI records a higher or a lower rate of general price inflation, the more deleterious effects resulting from monetary inflation are those relative price and wage distortions, and resource, labor and capital misallocations and misdirection, that are hidden beneath the 'surface' of the general price level, but nonetheless set in motion the phases and consequences of the business cycle." ~ Richard M. Ebeling