Richard M. Ebeling

Unmasking Paul Krugman’s Misrepresentation of Ayn Rand

“Ayn Rand’s way of individual freedom and free markets, at the end of the day, is the better one to be concerned about for saving lives in the face of the coronavirus, while the real killer in all this has been and is the misguided and harmful political paternalism for which Paul Krugman keeps so deeply yearning.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling

atlas statue

Government Policies Have Worsened the Coronavirus Crisis

“The great lesson that the coronavirus crisis of 2020 should teach us is that government’s intervening and controlling hand prevents the far more effective and efficient means of mitigating and solving the problems surrounding a crisis that open and competitive markets offer and make possible.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling

government planners

The Political Circus and the Court

“Rather than wondering on what rationale political candidates such as Kamala Harris and Mike Pence, or Joe Biden and Donald Trump can have the audacity to offer themselves for any election consideration, since they insist that they need our votes so they can then lord over us according to their political prerogatives and caprices, we, instead, express our chagrin that Biden and Harris won’t say if they will pack the court if and when they are elected, and we show focused amusement that a fly takes a rest in Pence’s hair even as he reassures us that Trump is in planful control of our lives in the trying times of a pandemic.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling

If I Ruled the World: A Dangerous Dream

“A nice fantasy for a daydreamer, but a dangerous plan in the hands of those presumptuous and arrogant enough to think that they could and should have the power to remake the world in which we all live.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling

Stakeholder Fascism Means More Loss of Liberty

“Like other forms of imposed central planning over the last one hundred years, Stakeholder Fascism would only lead to tyranny, poverty, and the greater loss of liberty and freedom to choose.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling

davos, elites, planning

Milton Friedman and the New Attack on Freedom to Choose

“If the paternalistic policies and the ideological arrogance and intolerance behind these counterrevolutionaries against freedom and the free market fully prevail, the liberty that we still possess will be even more greatly curtailed than at present, as those who call for the ‘social responsibility’ of business restrict our remaining freedom to choose.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling

money tree

Disaggregating Keynes Demonstrates Macro Delusions

“Which view of man prevails – man seen as a reasonable but imperfect person who can guide and direct his own life, or man seen as an irrational being constantly needing someone else to direct and dictate how and what he does – will determine the future for mankind, not only out of the current economic crisis, but also for the many years and decades to come.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling

cambridge, campus, river

Trump’s “American Greatness” Also Political Paternalism

“Regardless of each citizen’s decision on how they may or may not vote in the coming November election, the real battle for the future of America is in this longer-term conflict of ideas, and the courage and willingness to not be despondent but, instead, shoulder some part of the effort to make that liberal Utopia an ideal wanted by a growing number of our fellow Americans.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling

trump, paternalism

Biden’s “Passion and Purpose” is More Political Paternalism

“It is so essential for those who value and understand the classical liberal meaning of personal liberty, economic freedom, voluntary association, impartial rule of law, and the importance and role of a constitutionally limited government, to explain to and persuade our fellow citizens that what the Democrats and the Republicans are currently offering us is not the path to a promised ‘social justice’ heaven on earth, or a way for people or a country to be ‘great.’ But, rather, they lead to paternalistic tyrannies that once fully in place will be extremely difficult from which to extricate ourselves.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling
