Robert E. Wright

The Red Pill for Pill Ad Headaches

“Suppose all Americans and Kiwis look to their own self-interest by avoiding advertised drugs whenever possible. In that case, drug manufacturers would have an incentive to stop DTCA of their own accord.” ~Robert E. Wright

Universal Basic Income? Universal High Income?

“Where would the money come from, existing program cuts, higher existing taxes, new taxes, and/or new money creation? Would a UBI simply displace the current hodge-podge of income transfers or add yet another layer?” ~Robert E. Wright

Leviathan Rising

“Much of the growth of the SEC can be seen as a variation of the ‘Baptists and bootleggers’ story, where the SEC is the bootlegger earning bigger budgets by combining with people who believe that its nostrums protect investors, even when they do not.” ~Robert E. Wright

Curtailing Violence with Economic Freedom

“Allow individuals to build it and make clear that they cannot force others to build it for them, and they will build it. And, most likely, they will not want to blow it up.” ~Robert E. Wright

Worst US Bond Selloff Since 1792

“The failure of numerous banks at once can damage the economy, as bank failure waves did during the Great Depression, the Savings and Loan crisis in the 1980s, and the 2007-10 meltdown.” ~Robert E. Wright

What Is the New Deal with the New Deal?

“The tide of historiographical battle may finally turn and with it many old canards about the culpability of the gold standard, stock shorting, greed, and so forth in the downturn.” ~ Robert E. Wright

Economic Parasites: Their Gain, Your Pain

“Just as biological parasites try to hide in the recesses of host bodies, economic parasites try to hide in the recesses of the body politic. Some, like leeches, cling tenaciously when exposed to the light. Others, like hookworms, feed deep in the belly of the economic beast.” ~ Robert E. Wright

Only a Retail Gold Standard Could Dethrone the Dollar

“If a large subset of countries, like the BRICS, adopted the retail gold standard, the United States and the European Union would have to join, or watch demand for their fiat currencies decline.” ~ Robert E. Wright and Byron B. Carson III

Two Sheep, a Wolf, and Auberon Herbert

“In other words, Herbert wanted the independence of mankind from all overreaching government, not the mere replacement of one pack of wolves for another, even a smaller or less voracious pack.” ~ Robert E. Wright

John Potts, Ground Rents, and the Early Economic Development of Pottstown, 1752-17756

RE Wright. Bulletin of the Historical Society of Montgomery County, 5-18, 1999

Israel Jacobs (1726-1796) of Providence Township: Farmer, Weaver, Quaker Congressman

RE Wright. Bulletin of the Historical Society of Montgomery County, 300-11, 1999

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels

RE Wright. IH52 Sourcebook, 100-35, 0

Amos Strickland

LM Wright, Robert E., Wolfe. Lawmaking and Legislators in Pennsylvania: A Biographical Dictionary, 2005

Henry Pawling

LM Wright, Robert E., Wolfe. Lawmaking and Legislators in Pennsylvania: A Biographical Dictionary, 2005

Broken Buildings, Busted Budgets: How to Fix America’s Trillion-Dollar Construction Industry

T Wright, Robert E., LePatner, Barry, Jacobson. University of Chicago Press, 2007

Founding Corporate Power in Early National Philadelphia

RE Wright. The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 105 (2), 295-297, 2007

Giles Knight

LM Wright, Robert E., Wolfe. Lawmaking and Legislators in Pennsylvania: A Biographical Dictionary, 2005

Joseph King

LM Wright, Robert E., Wolfe. Lawmaking and Legislators in Pennsylvania: A Biographical Dictionary, 2005

John Jacobs

LM Wright, Robert E., Wolfe. Lawmaking and Legislators in Pennsylvania: A Biographical Dictionary, 2005

Israel Jacobs

LM Wright, Robert E., Wolfe. Lawmaking and Legislators in Pennsylvania: A Biographical Dictionary, 2005

Michael Hillegas

LM Wright, Robert E., Wolfe. Lawmaking and Legislators in Pennsylvania: A Biographical Dictionary, 2005

John Morton

LM Wright, Robert E., Wolfe. Lawmaking and Legislators in Pennsylvania: A Biographical Dictionary, 2005

Abraham Chapman

LM Wright, Robert E., Wolfe. Lawmaking and Legislators in Pennsylvania: A Biographical Dictionary 4, 2005


RE Wright. The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, 2005

Cashing a Cheque in the Third Millennium AD


Manufacturing Revolution: The Intellectual Origins of Early American Industry

RE Wright. The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 101 (4), 512-513, 2003

Born Capitalist: Free Markets and Hominid Evolution

RE Wright. IDEAS ON LIBERTY 53, 44-48, 2003

How Government Disables Private Disability Insurance

RE Wright. IDEAS ON LIBERTY 53, 24-27, 2003

Environment+ Genes= Obesity? It Just Ain’t So!

RE Wright. IDEAS ON LIBERTY 53, 4-5, 2003

Joseph Ellicott

LM Wright, Robert E., Wolfe. Lawmaking and Legislators in Pennsylvania: A Biographical Dictionary, 2005

Benjamin Chapman

LM Wright, Robert E., Wolfe. Lawmaking and Legislators in Pennsylvania: A Biographical Dictionary, 2005

Political Institutions and Financial Development

RE Wright. Journal of Economic Literature 46 (4), 991-992, 2008

Knowledge for Generations

GD Wright, Robert E., Jacobson, Timothy, and Smith. John Wiley & Sons, 2008

Appeasing Bankers: Financial Caution on the Road to War

RE Wright. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 39 (2), 250-251, 2008

Capitals of Capital: A History of International Financial Centres, 1780-2005

RE Wright. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 39 (1), 97-98, 2008

Fighting over money

RE Wright. The Wilson Quarterly 31 (1), 98, 2007

Wright, Slavery and American Economic Development


Old Dominion Industrial Commonwealth: Coal, Politics, and Economy in Antebellum America

RE Wright. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 37 (4), 636-637, 2007

The Paradox of Democratic Capitalism: Politics and Economics in American Thought

RE Wright. The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 104 (3/4), 705-707, 2006

From Buildings and Loans to Bail-Outs: A History of the American Savings and Loan Industry, 1831-1995

RE Wright. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 37 (1), 140-141, 2006

Observations on the Composition of Colonial Pennsylvania’s Money Supply

RW Michener, RE Wright. Available at SSRN 683489, 2005

Thomas Willing

LM Wright, Robert E., Wolfe. Lawmaking and Legislators in Pennsylvania: A Biographical Dictionary, 2005

John Wilkinson

LM Wright, Robert E., Wolfe. Lawmaking and Legislators in Pennsylvania: A Biographical Dictionary, 2005

Federalism: Conflicts Among Local, State, and Federal Objectives

D Wright, Robert E. and Kozlowski. The C.Q. Guide to U.S. Economic Policy, 133-44, 2014


RE Wright. The National Corporate System: Conceptual Foundations of Performance …, 2014

The Competition Game

RE Wright. Journal of Private Enterprise 29 (1), 141, 2013

The Age of Deficits: Presidents and Unbalanced Budgets from Jimmy Carter to George W. Bush

RE Wright. The Journal of American History 98 (4), 1209-1210, 2012

Comment on Kamstra: Additional Reasons to Be Thrilled About Trills

RE Wright. The Economists’ Voice 7 (4), 2010

Gilded Age Redux? No, The Age of Pyrite

RE Wright. The Idea Exchange, n/a, 2013

Government and Markets: Toward a New Theory of Regulation

RE Wright. Contemporary Sociology 39 (5), 545-547, 2010

What to Do About the Government Sponsored Enterprises?

LW Wright, Robert E., Dwight Jaffee, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Matthew Richardson. Restoring Financial Stability: How to Repair a Failed System, 117-37, 2009

The Framers and the Roots of Economic Prosperity

RE Wright. Insights on L. & Soc’y 10, 4, 2009

The Relentless Revolution: A History of Capitalism

RE Wright. The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 107 (3), 425-426, 2009

From Jim Crow Finance to Subprime Shenanigans: Expunging Financial Exclusion, Discrimination, and Predation from America

RE Wright. Discrimination, and Predation from America (February 4, 2017), 2017

Business, Religion, History, and Consilience

RE Wright. The Business Turn in American Religious History, vii-xix, 2017

That Which Is Unseen I: Slavery’s Pollution

RE Wright, RE Wright. The Poverty of Slavery: How Unfree Labor Pollutes the Economy, 143-197, 2017

The Poverty of Slavery: How Enslavers Victimize Us All

RE Wright. Available at SSRN 2764992, 2016

Christopher Beauchamp. Invented by Law: Alexander Graham Bell and the Patent That Changed America.

RE Wright. The American Historical Review 121 (1), 246-247, 2016

Devolution of the Republican Model of Anglo-American Corporate Governance

RE Wright. International Corporate Governance 18, 65-80, 2015


RE Wright. Financial History, 16, 2015

Community, Mega, and Goldilocks Banks in US History

RE Wright. Mega, and Goldilocks Banks in US History (March 16, 2015), 2015

Business History> Piketty

RE Wright. Available at SSRN 2572674, 2015

Shavers, Sharks and Payday Lenders

RE Wright. Financial History, 16, 2015

Mastering Iron: The Struggle to Modernize an American Industry, 1800-1868

RE Wright. The Journal of American History 101 (3), 931-932, 2014

America’s Fiscal Constitution: Its Triumph and Collapse

RE Wright. Financial History, 38, 2014

Susie J. Pak. Gentlemen Bankers: The World of JP Morgan.

RE Wright. The American Historical Review 119 (3), 919-919, 2014

Corporate Citizens: South Dakota Chartermongering in the Early Twentieth Century

RE Wright. The Plains Political Tradition: Essays on South Dakota Political Culture 2 …, 2014

Postbellum Banking

R Wright. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History, 2020

American Default: The Untold Story of FDR, the Supreme Court, and the Battle Over Gold

RE Wright. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 49 (4), 685-686, 2019

Financial Discrimination and Innovation

RE Wright. Financial History, 12-15, 2019

The Panic of 1819: The First Great Depression by Andrew H. Browning

RE Wright. Journal of Southern History 86 (1), 148-149, 2020

Financial Egalitarianism in America

RE Wright. In All Fairness: Liberty, Equality, and the Quest for Human Dignity, 135-46, 2019

What Is Classical Liberal History?

RE Wright. The Independent Review 23 (3), 472-475, 2019

Making IT Work: A History of the Computer Services Industry

RE Wright. Journal of American History 105 (3), 770-771, 2018

Economic Growth and Slavery, Then and Now

RE Wright. Financial History, 11, 2017

Early American Tax Havens

RE Wright. Available at SSRN 3182496, 2018

Banking System Stability/Fragility: The Roles of Governance and Supervision in Canada and America

RE Wright. Becoming 150: 150 Years of Canadian Business History, 226-38, 2018

The Musical” Hamilton” from the Perspective of Financial History, in Verse

RE Wright. The Independent Review 21 (4), 535-544, 2017

Are Dietary Guidelines a Public Good?

RE Wright. IDEAS ON LIBERTY 52, 16-19, 2002

Four Databases for Microsoft Windows

RE Wright. History and Computing 6 (2), 116-124, 1994

Debating Universal Basic Income: Pros, Cons, and Alternatives

RE Wright, A Przegalińska. Springer Nature, 2022

Woman of Steel

JM Traflet, RE Wright. Financial History, 28-31, 2022

Money, Power, and the People: The American Struggle to Make Banking Democratic by Christopher W. Shaw

RE Wright. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 52 (4), 624-626, 2022

AI ≠ UBI: Income Portfolio Adjustment to Technological Transformation

RE Wright, A Przegalinska. Augmented Education in the Global Age: Artificial Intelligence and the …, 2023

AI: UBI Income Portfolio Adjustment to Technological Transformation

APRE Wright. Frontiers in Human Dynamics: Social Networks 3, 1-11, 2021

Radical Hamilton: Economic Lessons from a Misunderstood Founder by Christian Parenti

RE Wright. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 52 (1), 130-132, 2021

Capital in the Nineteenth Century by Robert E. Gallman and Paul W. Rhode

RE Wright. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 51 (3), 482-484, 2021

Capital in the Nineteenth Century

RE Wright. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 51 (3), 482-484, 2020

Reducing Recidivism

RE Wright. Available at SSRN 3733040, 2020

Godly Non-Profits: Extending the Porterfield Thesis

RE Wright. Human Flourishing: Economic Wisdom for a Fruitful Christian Vision of the …, 2020

American Property: A History of How, Why, and What We Own

RE Wright. Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 109 (2), 276-278, 2011

Thinking beyond the public company

RE Wright. McKinsey Quarterly, 2010

The US National Debt, 1787-1900

RE Wright. Pickering & Chatto, 2005

Reducing recidivism and encouraging desistance: a social entrepreneurial approach

RE Wright. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 2022

Reinsurance in America: Regulatory Regimes and Markets

RE Wright. Role of Reinsurance in the World: Case Studies of Eight Countries, 23-43, 2021

Liberty Befits All

RE Wright. The Independent Review 25 (3), 385-395, 2020

Pandemics and Epidemics: Financial and Economic Effects

R Sylla, J Traflet, RE Wright. Financial History, 20-24, 2020

Corporate Social Responsibility and the Rise of the Non-profit Sector in America

RE Wright. A History of Socially Responsible Business, c. 1600–1950, 117-135, 2017

German Corporate Entrepreneurs in Nineteenth Century America (1800-1899)

RE Wright. Immigrant Entrepreneurship: German-American Business Biographies, 1720-Present, 2014

The modern corporation statement on economics

W Lazonick, S Blankenburg, J Froud, MA O’Sullivan, C Sauviat, ….

For-and non-profit special corporations in America, 1608–1860

RE Wright. Research Handbook on the History of Corporate and Company Law, 480-509, 2018

Wall Street on the Prairie

RE Wright. Financial History, 24, 2013

AI: UBI Income Portfolio Adjustment to Technological Transformation

AK Przegalinska, RE Wright. Frontiers in Human Dynamics 3, 725516, 2021

Government bailouts

RE Wright. Routledge Handbook of Major Events in Economic History, 432-444, 2013

Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Antebellum South

RE Wright. Southern Society and Its Transformation, 1790-1860, 195-241, 2011

Financial Exclusion: How Competition Can Fix a Broken System

RE Wright. American Institute for Economic Research, 2019

Insuring America: Market, Intermediated, and Government Risk Management Since 1790

RE Wright. Encuentro Internacional Sobra la Historia del Seguro, 239-98, 2010

The World’s First Stock Exchange

RE Wright. The Historian 79 (1), 189-191, 2017

Corporate entrepreneurship and economic growth in America, 1790-1860

R Wright. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY 69 (2), 569-569, 2009

Best of Thomas Paine

RE Wright. American Institute for Economic Research, 2021

Ground rents against populist historiography: Mid-Atlantic land tenure, 1750-1820

RE Wright. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History 29 (1), 23-42, 1998

The Pivotal Role of Private Enterprise in America’s Transportation Age, 1790-1860

RE Wright. Journal of Private Enterprise 29 (2), 1, 2014

Financing US economic growth, 1790-1860: corporations, markets, and the real economy

RE Wright. Financial System and Economic Growth: Credit, Crises and Regulation from the …, 2017

Guide to US Economic Policy

RE Wright, TW Zeiler. CQ Press, 2014

A market solution to the oversupply of historians

RE Wright. Chronicle of Higher Education 2, 2002

Cementing the Union

RE Wright. Financial History 90 (2008), 14-18, 2008

Thomas Willing (1731-1821): Philadelphia financier and forgotten founding father

RE Wright. Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies, 525-560, 1996

Financial crisis and reform: Looking back for clues to the future

RE Wright. The Mckinsey Quarterly”, December, 1-2, 2008

Teaching history in business schools: An insider’s view

RE Wright. Academy of Management Learning & Education 9 (4), 697-700, 2010

America‘s first securities markets, 1790-1830: Emergence, development, and integration

R Sylla, JW Wilson, RE Wright. Cliometrics Conference paper, 1997

Artisans, banks, credit, and the election of 1800

RE Wright. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 122 (3), 211-239, 1998

Money and banking

RE Wright.

Farley Grubb’s noisy evasions on colonial money: a rejoinder

RW Michener, RE Wright. Econ Journal Watch 3 (2), 251, 2006

The US Panic of 1792: Financial Crisis Management and the Lender of Last Resort

D Cowen, R Sylla, R Wright. New York University, working paper, 2006

Women and finance in the early national US

R Wright. Essays in History 42 (1), 2000

Capitalism and the Rise of the Corporation Nation

RE Wright. Capitalism Takes Command: The Social Transformation of Nineteenth-Century …, 2012

Corporate insurers in antebellum America

RE Wright, C Kingston. Business History Review 86 (3), 447-476, 2012

Genealogy of American Finance

RE Wright, R Sylla. Columbia University Press, 2015

Reforming the US IPO market: lessons from history and theory

RE Wright. Accounting, Business & Financial History 12 (3), 419-437, 2002

Alexander Hamilton, central banker: crisis management during the US financial panic of 1792

R Sylla, RE Wright, DJ Cowen. Business History Review 83 (1), 61-86, 2009

Corporation nation

RE Wright. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013

Origins of commercial banking in America, 1750-1800

RE Wright. Rowman & Littlefield, 2001

The First Wall Street

RE Wright. University of Chicago Press Economics Books, 2005

State “currencies” and the transition to the US dollar: Clarifying some confusions

RW Michener, RE Wright. American Economic Review 95 (3), 682-703, 2005

Hamilton unbound: Finance and the creation of the American republic

RE Wright. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002

Bank ownership and lending patterns in New York and Pennsylvania, 1781–1831

RE Wright. Business History Review 73 (1), 40-60, 1999

Financial founding fathers: The men who made America rich

RE Wright, DJ Cowen. University of Chicago Press, 2006

Integration of trans-Atlantic capital markets, 1790–1845

R Sylla, JW Wilson, RE Wright. Review of Finance 10 (4), 613-644, 2006

Bailouts: Public Money, Private Profit

RE Wright. Columbia University Press, 2010

Corporation formation in the antebellum United States in comparative context

R Sylla, RE Wright. Business History 55 (4), 653-669, 2013

Price Quotations in Early United States Securities Markets, 1790-1860

RE Sylla, JW Wilson, RE Wright. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, 2005

The deadliest of games: the institution of dueling

CG Kingston, RE Wright. Southern Economic Journal 76 (4), 1094-1106, 2010

Banking and Politics in New York, 1784-1829

RE Wright. State University of New York at Buffalo, 1997

Rise of the corporation nation

RE Wright. Founding Choices: American Economic Policy in the 1790s, 217-258, 2010

Development of the US monetary union

R Michener, RE Wright. Financial History Review 13 (1), 19-41, 2006

Miscounting money of colonial America

RW Michener, RE Wright. Econ Journal Watch 3 (1), 4, 2006