Robert Hughes

Economic Growth Accelerated in the Second Quarter

The initial estimate for second-quarter real gross domestic product shows the economy expanded at a 2.6 percent annualized rate, up from a revised 1.2 percent pace in the first quarter. […]

Consumer Confidence Rises, Home Sales Fall

Consumer confidence as gauged by The Conference Board’s consumer-confidence survey improved in July, rising to 121.1 from 117.3 in June. The result differs from the slightly lower consumer-sentiment data from […]

More Signs of a Soft Patch

Several economic reports released today provide additional evidence that the economy appears to be heading into a soft patch. First-quarter real GDP posted a meek 1.4 percent gain, held back […]

Strong Jobs Report Affirms Positive Outlook

The U.S. economy added 222,000 jobs in June, the largest gain since February. Combined with upward revisions to the prior two months, the three-month average gain is 194,000, also the […]

Purchasing Managers Report Better Economic Conditions

The latest Manufacturing Report on Business and Non-Manufacturing Report on Business from the Institute for Supply Management suggest economic activity generally improved in June. The Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index, a […]