Steve H . Hanke

The twists and turns of the greenback

This article appeared in the November 2016 issue of Globe Asia. At a monetary conference in Vienna back in 2014, the distinguished Frenchman, friend, and occasional collaborator Jacques de Larosière proclaimed […]


On the Italian and eurozone doomsday scenario

This article appeared in the June 2016 issue of Globe Asia. On June 23rd, the voters in the United Kingdom (UK) turned a collective thumbs-down on the European Union (EU). The […]


On the price of oil

This article appeared in the June 2016 issue of Globe Asia. Since its high of almost $108/bbl in June of 2014, we have witnessed a stunning collapse in the price of […]


Monetary policies misunderstood

Ever since the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) began to consider raising the federal funds rate, which it eventually did in December 2015, a cottage industry has grown up around taper […]

The Hong Kong dollar, rock solid

The currency speculators are restless, again. Many, like George Soros and Kyle Bass, are reportedly taking aim at the Hong Kong dollar (HKD). HKD bear circles think China’s renmimbi (RMB) will […]
