Thomas Savidge

Understanding Public Debt Redux 

Readers have sent in excellent questions about public debt since the release of our Explainer. Here, the authors answer a few.

Public Debt Feeds Special Interest Pressures

The US government is increasingly dependent on debt to finance spending. Investors can use the threat of refusing to purchase or roll over treasury holdings to receive special privileges and favors themselves. 

Resolutions for the Fiscal New Year 

"Many lawmakers in DC make resolutions to be more fiscally responsible, but much like our New Year’s resolutions, they rarely follow through." ~Thomas Savidge

AIER Explainer Series Demystifies Public Debt

"The debt problem is a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Research shows that raising taxes covers barely a fraction of the outstanding debt." ~Thomas Savidge and Ryan Yonk

Understanding Public Debt

Whether at the federal, state, or local level of government, the rate of growth of government debt is unsustainable. Fortunately, solutions are available for all levels of government.