Todd Myers

Justifying Liberalism in Singapore

“At the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution, the advocates of human liberty will need to contend with meritocratic technocracy if liberty is to be preserved. Singapore is at the frontline of that struggle.” ~ Todd Myers

Deescalate Conflict in Ukraine

“Only the stupidest of blunders could bring the Americans fully on to team Ukraine, and Ukrainians suffering from the aftermath of Euromaidan understand the fruits of political positioning without the capabilities to back it up.” ~ Todd Myers

In Search of Humility

“Our lack of humility about what we can know and the worth of our value judgments in transforming reality is a problem in public life. Just about everyone would be better off if we had more contemplative realists like Hayek and Voegelin and fewer political activists.” ~ Todd Myers

How to Compete with the Chinese

“Will the search for technological supremacy lead us to embrace China’s vision of governance by a technologically sophisticated bureaucracy, and what does that mean for individual rights and dignity?” ~ Todd Myers

The Curse of Resources, Coups, and Business

“Unruly ambitions degrade the institutions and norms that would contribute to successful negotiations with multinational firms and investors essential for the development of the economy.” ~ Todd Myers