He began his career as a Ronald Reagan Fellow serving a mentorship under the direction of the Honorable Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr. He has served on the educational advisory council of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, as a Henry Salvatore Fellow with the Heritage Foundation, and a Lehrman Fellow with Princeton’s James Madison’s Program in American Ideals and Institutions.
He currently serves on the San Diego Center for Economic Education’s advisory board. Dr. Myers has research interests in international political economy and political thought.
“At the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution, the advocates of human liberty will need to contend with meritocratic technocracy if liberty is to be preserved. Singapore is at the frontline of that struggle.” ~ Todd Myers
“Only the stupidest of blunders could bring the Americans fully on to team Ukraine, and Ukrainians suffering from the aftermath of Euromaidan understand the fruits of political positioning without the capabilities to back it up.” ~ Todd Myers
“It is strange how President Biden and other world leaders’ desires to save the planet from global warming can be the impetus for local environmental crises that are more immediate in their consequences than the global warming on the horizon.” ~ Todd Myers
“Our lack of humility about what we can know and the worth of our value judgments in transforming reality is a problem in public life. Just about everyone would be better off if we had more contemplative realists like Hayek and Voegelin and fewer political activists.” ~ Todd Myers
“The United States must find robust relationships built upon mutual benefits that are in accordance with our values and the values of our current and potential partners. We must mind our business and avoid crusades.” ~ Todd Myers
“Perhaps Coyne and Hall’s book is a step in the social learning necessary to take a step back from policies that have made us poorer and less secure by educating our elites and the public.” ~ Todd Myers
“Voluntary exchange is the path to wealth. War and predation are the paths to poverty and perdition. The peoples of Ethiopia must choose, for no one else can generate the energy and creativity to bring these peoples peace and prosperity.” ~ Todd Myers
“Afghanistan’s neighbors have a very challenging set of problems that need to be managed, as do the diverse peoples and interests of Afghanistan. They cannot retreat to a great island protected by two oceans.” ~ Todd Myers