Tom Duncan

“Inflation and You” – Ludwig von Mises

“The first fact that needs to be noted in answering such questions is that inflation is detrimental to all creditors. The higher prices rise, the lower will fall the purchasing […]

When Money Dies – Fergusson

“Just before the First World War in 1913, the German mark, the British Shilling, the French franc, and the Italian lira were all worth about the same, and four or […]

The Legacy of Milton Friedman – Ben Bernanke

“Friedman’s emphasis on avoiding monetary disruptions arose, like many of his other ideas, from his study of U.S. monetary history. He had observed that, in many episodes, the actions of […]

“The Fiscal Stimulus Follies” – Richard Wagner

“If people individually reduce their spending, the fiscal stimulists claim that government can fill the void by spending more. This is a portrait of government spending as providing a “shot […]

“Oil Jump Presents Conundrum for Fed” – WSJ

“Two top Federal Reserve officials on Monday offered conflicting views on the right response to higher oil prices, kicking off what’s likely to be a lively debate within the central […]