“Lately, that seems to be the message coming from current and past Fed officials regarding the housing and credit boom in the early-to-mid 2000s. First Ben Bernanke, then Vincent Reinhart, […]
“Lately, that seems to be the message coming from current and past Fed officials regarding the housing and credit boom in the early-to-mid 2000s. First Ben Bernanke, then Vincent Reinhart, […]
“The Leviathan exploitation of the revenue potential of the money-creation power is a possibility that will be among those to be reckoned with in the constitutional deliberations of the citizen […]
“The danger for Bernanke in politicizing the Fed, some economists and academics say, is that it makes it easier for Congress and the White House to pressure the Fed to […]
“Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Thomas Hoenig said the central bank is “monetizing debt” with its purchases of U.S. Treasuries, a program that he says may spur inflation. […]
“The greenback, in other words, is not just America’s currency. It’s the world’s. But as astonishing as that is, what may be even more astonishing is this: The dollar’s reign […]
“Long-time Fed basher Rep. Ron Paul (R., Texas), who wrote a book titled “End The Fed,” squared off Wednesday with Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke at a hearing on Capitol Hill […]
Steve Horwitz will be speaking for our friends at the Nassau Institute on April 13 in Nassau, The Bahamas. The lecture, entitled “Three Economic Myths”, will take place at the […]
““I just see a continuation of rising prices for the average family,” at a time where the Fed is constructing policies to ward off what it sees as the threat […]
“In the midst of the current financial crisis the economics profession has seen a monumental resurrection of Keynesian ideas. The debate, which Keynes started back in the 1930s, is being […]
“Nothing seems to arouse passions—pro and con—quite like suggestions that gold should once again play a role in our money. “Only gold is money,” says one side. “It’s a barbarous […]