“Friedman, as with the other papers that day, found inflation to be a massive problem. In fact, next to the threat of a third world war, inflation is what he […]
“Friedman, as with the other papers that day, found inflation to be a massive problem. In fact, next to the threat of a third world war, inflation is what he […]
“As recently as last month, governments of emerging economies from South Africa to Brazil warned that competitive devaluations might be needed to keep their strengthening currencies from stifling economic growth. […]
“The US Federal Reserve and European Central Bank may go their separate ways if Middle East unrest provokes a sustained, inflationary oil price spike. Crude prices creeping back into the […]
“The world’s currencies are gyrating, but the strains are being felt beyond financial capitals and corporate boardrooms. Millions of families in developing countries rely on relatives sending dollars, euros and […]
“Unfortunately for defenders of Fed policy, today’s paper is filled with stories of rising inflation. In Singapore, consumer price inflation is running at 5.5%. In Vietnam, consumer price inflation is […]
“Inflation sped up in five German states in February, buoyed by soaring energy costs, a sign that price pressures in the euro zone could continue to accelerate above the European […]
“The Foundation for Economic Education’s goal from the very beginning was to promote, what Leonard E. Read called, the freedom philosophy. Understanding the principles of economics is a crucial step […]
“One of the more durable achievements of the previous Government was the establishment of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), whose work – for around a decade – was widely praised. […]
“Rather helpfully, on the Bank’s website there is an explanation of how Quantitative Easing was supposed to improve the economy. Quite clearly, the Bank explains that they purchased British Government […]
“Economist Judy Shelton, author of Money Meltdown and The Coming Soviet Crash, recently wrote A Guide to Sound Money as part of her work co-directing the Sound Money Project for […]