“China and India blame the U.S. Federal Reserve for their difficulties in maintaining stable prices. The International Monetary Fund and the United Nations, always responsive to the complaints of developing […]
“China and India blame the U.S. Federal Reserve for their difficulties in maintaining stable prices. The International Monetary Fund and the United Nations, always responsive to the complaints of developing […]
“About seventy percent of American households own their own homes, and for many their homes represent the majority of their net worth. As evident by the cascading mortgage market meltdown […]
“The President’s budget is informed by his belief that government has a strategic role to play in guiding the economy. That means in some cases picking winners and losers and […]
“Many governors face more than a spending crisis. They preside over failed systems that have discouraged fiscal restraint and sometimes preferred the interests of state employees to the interests of […]
“Classic Obama debt reduction: Add $2 trillion in new taxes, then add another $1 trillion in new spending and, presto, you’ve got $1 trillion of debt reduction. And what of […]
“There are two lessons here. One short-term, the other long-term. First, policymakers and investors need to shake off the belief that the current inflation spike is temporary. Even if food […]
“Goods inflation has outstripped services inflation for long stretches since mid-2007, something that hadn’t happened since the 1970s. For most of the last 30 years, goods prices had been held […]
“Alas, consumers cannot choose to pay the “core” price at the grocery store or gas station. They feel the increase in food and energy prices in reduced purchasing power whether […]
“Edmund “Ted” Kelly, chief executive officer of Liberty Mutual Holding Co., talks about the outlook for U.S. inflation. Kelly says inflation may rise over the next five years as the […]
“In asking whether the recent financial crisis could have been avoided, the crucial fact is that crises of various flavors have occurred for centuries in countries around the world. Thus, […]