“Perhaps central bankers are like potted plants, able to subsist on little more than water and sunlight. That would help explain Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s statement Thursday that — […]
“Perhaps central bankers are like potted plants, able to subsist on little more than water and sunlight. That would help explain Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s statement Thursday that — […]
“Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s address to the National Press Club on Thursday was a remarkable blend of hubris, claimed innocence, and warnings. His opening remarks were condescending and patronizing […]
“For 98 years the federal government has been attempting to prevent asset bubbles, recessions, and spasms of unemployment. In 1913, Woodrow Wilson created the Federal Reserve System, telling the country […]
“The Fed’s policy statement on Wednesday afternoon said emphatically what we have discussed here endlessly: Nothing is going to stop these guys from completing their mission. Nothing. Nunca, nada, niete. […]
“An odd thing occurred this week. Britain’s national debt jumped by £1.3 trillion, virtually 100% of GDP, and hardly anyone paid attention. The bad news was crowded out by the […]
“U.S. officials must act quickly to control government deficits or face slower growth and even more difficult choices in the future, the International Monetary Fund said Thursday in a report […]
“Philadelphia Fed President Charles Plosser gave a major speech on Monday at the Central Bank of Chile. In the polite language of central bankers, the speech constitutes a systematic criticism […]
“Goodness, the market is jittery. The moment the latest economic growth figures were announced yesterday morning, sterling fell 1.25 per cent against the euro and one per cent against the […]
“The power of a few large-cap companies to sway stock market sentiment is great. As recent corporate events illustrate, not only does good earnings news move the market, but, increasingly, […]
“Millions of families have fallen on hard times not because of our ideals of free enterprise — but because our leaders failed to live up to those ideals; because of […]