Tom Duncan

Judy Shelton on Just Facts Radio!

“On January 25, 2011 Jim Agresti and Steve Cardone interviewed eminent economist and global finance specialist Dr. Judy Shelton about the importance of sound money. Dr. Shelton is Co-Director of […]

Horwitz versus Eggertsson on the Great Depression

Over at Coordination Problem, Steve Horwitz discusses his exchange with Gauti Eggertsson in regards to Eggertsson’s claim that Roosevelt’s policies led the U.S. out of the Great Depression. Horwitz disagrees […]

“Global Price Fears Mount” – WSJ

“Mr. Trichet argues that budget discipline would help growth in Europe more than renewed stimulus, and called on the euro zone’s 17 member countries to strengthen “surveillance” of each other’s […]

“John Taylor: The Republicans’ Shadow Fed Chairman”

“Taylor’s followers include the new GOP House leadership, the chairmen of key House committees, Presidential hopefuls, conservative thinkers, and others suspicious of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s stimulative monetary policy […]

“Appreciating China’s Currency” – Griswold

“China’s President Hu Jintau arrives in Washington today for a state visit, turning the spotlight once again on U.S.-China trade and China’s allegedly undervalued currency, the yuan. Not one to […]