Tom Duncan

“Taming Inflation in China, Brazil, and India”

“Chairman Bernanke’s experiment with quantitative easing continues to have unintended consequences for the global economy, due to the impact of the equation highlighted below: QE2 = inflation [globally] = monetary […]

“The Fiscal Trap”

“Fed chairman Ben Bernanke concedes that, while necessary, a new large purchase of government bonds by the Fed to help cover the deficit will not completely solve our problem of […]

Is QE2 Good for CRE?

“In spite of their security purchase plans, the Fed has not been successful in keeping long-term Treasury yields low. As the yield chart above indicates, 10-year prices have been falling […]

The Federal Reserve’s Political Gamesmanship

“Although the Federal Reserve would continue to pretend it is an independent entity, the fact is it has become another political wing of the federal government. If you did not […]