“By chance I came across two articles today that are wildly optimistic about global economic growth in the future. First, via Karl Smith, I see that Robin Hanson is talking […]
“By chance I came across two articles today that are wildly optimistic about global economic growth in the future. First, via Karl Smith, I see that Robin Hanson is talking […]
“Quantitative easing carried out by the U.S. Federal Reserve could exacerbate global currency interventions, hurt the developed countries and fuel flows of speculative capital into emerging market economies, a senior […]
“During the Second World War, American monetary policy was dedicated to providing cheap credit to the federal government. This policy resulted upward pressure on prices and was suppressed by wage […]
“Consumer prices are rising at a quick pace in the some of the largest economies in Latin America, complicating the task of governments that want to maintain high growth rates […]
“A planned change in deposit insurance fees for U.S. banks may lower already near-zero short-term interest rates, according to strategists at Barclays Plc, Bank of America Merrill Lynch and the […]
“Chairman Bernanke’s experiment with quantitative easing continues to have unintended consequences for the global economy, due to the impact of the equation highlighted below: QE2 = inflation [globally] = monetary […]
“Another source of demand could be central banks. The IMF’s sales quota will run its course and possible sellers like the German Bundesbank and the Swiss National Bank have said […]
“Fed chairman Ben Bernanke concedes that, while necessary, a new large purchase of government bonds by the Fed to help cover the deficit will not completely solve our problem of […]
“In spite of their security purchase plans, the Fed has not been successful in keeping long-term Treasury yields low. As the yield chart above indicates, 10-year prices have been falling […]
“Although the Federal Reserve would continue to pretend it is an independent entity, the fact is it has become another political wing of the federal government. If you did not […]