Tom Duncan

“Audit the Fed in 2011” – Ron Paul

“Since the announcement last week that I will chair the congressional subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve, the media response has been overwhelming. The groundswell of opposition to Fed actions […]

“Five Ways Inflation in China Can Affect the US”

“There’s no free lunch. All potential “solutions” to the Chinese inflation problem come with serious associated potential costs and risks. For example, raising interest rates could devastate the real estate […]

“The New Big Picture”

“On the other hand, all that has happened is that the tax rates that have now been in force for almost 10 years have been continued for 2 more years. […]

“The Fed’s Bipolar Mandate”

“The contradictions were as apparent then as now; as Mr. Corker puts it, a central bank cannot have “a bipolar mandate.” The pressure to bring down unemployment using money creation […]

“The Fed’s QE Scheme Begins to Backfire”

“The Fed argues that QE is not inflationary, because the electronic money is sitting in the coffers of the banking Oligarchs, and isn’t circulating in the general economy. “One myth […]

“Watch What the FOMC Doesn’t Say”

“The aim of QE2 has been to lower medium-to-longer-term interest rates since the Fed’s main policy variable—the overnight federal funds rate—has been pinned near zero for two years. But since […]