“Since August, there certainly doesn’t seem to be much deflationary threat here. The 12-month change in PPI for finished goods is 3.5% as of November. So what’s driving the increase […]
“Since August, there certainly doesn’t seem to be much deflationary threat here. The 12-month change in PPI for finished goods is 3.5% as of November. So what’s driving the increase […]
“After QE2, analysts were looking for possible consequences of the Federal Reserve Bank’s actions. What has become apparent is that the Fed has created another bubble in China. Investors globally […]
“The dollar fell against the euro, paring a weekly gain, on speculation Federal Reserve policy makers on Dec. 14 will discuss a plan to extend Treasury purchases to support growth. […]
As many of you may know, Sound Money received a real boost on Tuesday, December 7. Atlas, in partnership with Freedomworks, hosted a monetary policy forum. For full details and […]
“Americans across the political spectrum say the Fed shouldn’t retain its current structure of independence. Asked if the central bank should be more accountable to Congress, left independent or abolished […]
“Here’s the problem in the main: Bernanke’s only tool to “tighten” monetary policy means selling bonds into the market and taking in cash from the system. But what happens if […]
“[Bernanke is] a different man, somehow, and likely not for the better as growing dissent amongst even his own Federal Reserve board has no doubt made him less confident in […]
“Basically, the Fed just threw away $600 + billion because QE2 “will be counterproductive,” [David Einhorn] told Rose, according to Bloomberg. “The goal of quantitative easing right now is to […]
“Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is so busted. Comedy Central host Jon Stewart added his voice to others who caught the central banker contradicting himself over whether or not the […]
“As you no doubt know, Ben Bernanke gave an interview tonight on CBS 60 Minutes. Let me stress once again, as I have in the past, that I consider Ben […]