Tom Duncan

“Producer Prices Rise Most in 8 Months”

“Since August, there certainly doesn’t seem to be much deflationary threat here. The 12-month change in PPI for finished goods is 3.5% as of November. So what’s driving the increase […]

“Beware of a China Bubble”

“After QE2, analysts were looking for possible consequences of the Federal Reserve Bank’s actions. What has become apparent is that the Fed has created another bubble in China. Investors globally […]

Back to Basics with the Sound Money Forum

As many of you may know, Sound Money received a real boost on Tuesday, December 7. Atlas, in partnership with Freedomworks, hosted a monetary policy forum. For full details and […]

Ben Bernanke’s Bond Bunk

“Here’s the problem in the main: Bernanke’s only tool to “tighten” monetary policy means selling bonds into the market and taking in cash from the system. But what happens if […]

Money Printing and 100% Confidence, Day 4

“[Bernanke is] a different man, somehow, and likely not for the better as growing dissent amongst even his own Federal Reserve board has no doubt made him less confident in […]