Tom Duncan

“Inflation in One Page” – Henry Hazlitt

“Prolonged inflation never “stimulates” the economy. On the contrary, it unbalances, disrupts, and misdirects production and employment. Unemployment is mainly caused by excessive wage rates in some industries, brought about […]

“Can the Fed Become Insolvent?”

“In light of Bernanke’s plans to purchase $600 billion of longer-term government debt, many academic economists are beginning to worry: Could the Federal Reserve itself become insolvent? In this article […]

“Totally Standard Hyper-Inflation”

“Sure, buying and selling government debt in the open-market is how central banks control short-term interest rates. That’s why the Fed Funds rate is a target, and the actual outcome […]

“The Return of Stagflation”

“We are entering an era of high inflation, to judge by the massive growth of the money supply in the United States, Europe and Asia, and the stubbornness of central […]

“The Dance of the Dollar” – Steve Hanke

“The dance of the dollar counts — and it counts a lot. With few exceptions, when the dollar weakens against the euro, commodity prices soar, and when the dollar soars […]

“Public Still Feels Inflation’s Pinch” – WSJ

“Of course, the inflation any individual faces almost surely differs from the government’s aggregate data. Outside of housing, middle-income consumers have experienced more inflation than other income groups over the […]

“Fed’s Move Doesn’t Impress Top CEO’s”

“The sudden increase in capital investments would create jobs and encourage economic growth, which would then make it possible to weather the interest rate hikes the Fed would inevitably adopt […]

“The Triumphant Return of Hayek” – Newsweek

“Last year the consensus opinion was that we are all Keynesians now. Virtually everyone in the commentariat believed that John Maynard Keynes’s solution for the Great Depression—heavy government spending to […]