Tom Duncan

“Greenspan vs. Geithner in ‘weak dollar’ debate”

“Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, and U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner locked horns Thursday over whether the Obama administration is supporting a weak dollar to bolster the […]

“Mission Impossible: Rescuing the Dollar”

“In Dubai last week, actor Tom Cruise ran around the outside of the world’s tallest building suspended by a cable 2,700 feet in the air while shooting a scene for […]

“Back to a Gold Standard?”

“The gold standard shackled central bankers to a sinking ship. When countries left the gold standard, they began to recover. Countries that were never on the gold standard had very […]

Getting on Track

On Wednesday, November 10, Sound Money held a panel at annual Liberty Forum hosted by Atlas. The panel featured Judy Shelton, Sean Fieler and Steven Horwitz, with Matt Kibbe of […]

A Return to the Gold Standard? – Richard Ebeling

“Monetary central planning has worked no better than any other form of central planning over the last one hundred years. The world’s central bankers – just like the central planners […]

Larry White on the Business Cycle

Peter Boettke over on Coordination Problem posted an excellent video of Larry White discussing the Austrian theory of the business cycle. Enjoy!

“Ben Bernanke’s Impossible Dream” – WSJ

“At Jackson Hole, Mr. Bernanke explained that “if inflation expectations were too low . . . an increase in inflation expectations could become a benefit.” Well, he’s certainly succeeded in […]