Tom Duncan

“Toward a Free-Market Money”

“Despite the overwhelming evidence that markets perform best when left alone by the government, it is still virtually taken for granted that one consumer product should be completely controlled by […]

“Bank Failures in Slow Motion”

“Every Friday evening a few more banks are closed — seized by the various state banking regulators and handed over to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) for liquidation. This […]

Sound Money at the Liberty Forum! Nov. 10

In The Constitution of Liberty, F.A. Hayek advised: “All those who wish to stop the drift toward increasing government control should concentrate their effort on monetary policy”. Sound Money will […]

“Fed Asset Buying May Reach $2 Trillion”

“The Federal Reserve may purchase $2 trillion of assets to stimulate the U.S. economy and start by announcing a fresh round of monetary easing on Nov. 3, Goldman Sachs Group […]

Liberty Forum and Freedom Dinner, November 9 & 10, 2010

Join hundreds of freedom’s allies at the world’s largest gathering of free market champions from the United States and around the globe. Atlas’s annual Liberty Forum has become a “must-attend” […]

“China Hides Rampant Inflation in Money Binge”

“When money is created at a faster rate than real economic growth, the result is inflation. Yet so far this year, China’s official statistics show consumer inflation at barely over […]