Tom Duncan

“Monetary Policy and the Business Cycle”

“From my view, I would welcome the day when the topic of this conference—”Money, Politics, and the Business Cycle”—would become obsolete. Not because there is no relation between money, politics, […]

“Which is Better: High or Low Inflation?”

“In addition to encouraging fiscal responsibility on the part of consumers, low but stable inflation (or even deflation) is also good for the long term economy, because it allows producers […]

“Why is inflation bad?”

“Inflation is a process of continuous increase in the prices of most goods and services in a country. This does not necessarily mean that all prices increase. There may be some exceptions, such as computer prices which have actually declined in recent years. Inflation can therefore be described as a persistent general increase in prices.”

“Federal Reserve ‘Will Be Gone’ In 25 Years”

“A mere half-hour after Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner praised the “necessary” and “very substantial” actions of the Bush and Obama administrations to “break the back of the financial crisis,” one […]

“Rising Gold Prices Affect Local Companies”

“In financial circles, analysts credit the rising price of gold to an unlikely duo: investors seeking shelter and central bankers from India, Bangladesh and other developing countries. Both are wary […]

“Fed Seminar Probes Financial Reform”

“Describing the financial industry as “hobbled, but moving forward,” Carson acknowledged the need for reform, but cautioned that not enough attention has been given to how to pay for it. […]

Money Mischief: Episodes in Monetary History

“Nobel Prize-winner Milton Friedman — dubbed ‘the Oliver Stone of economists’ by the Chicago Tribune — makes clear once and for all that no one, from the local corner merchant […]