Tom Duncan

“The Lag in Effect of Monetary Policy”

“First, discretionary policy at times tends to be dominated by goals other than, and even contradictory to, stabilization (for example, pegging bonds yields, halting gold outflows), whereas the automatic framework […]

Here Today, Keynes Tomorrow

“Keynesian ideas seem to pop up time and time again, especially in times of crisis. Keynes himself even sensed the impact his theories were going to have. When Keynes was […]

“Thomas Hoenig is Fed Up”

“This is Tom Hoenig’s moment, and it’s a strange one. In Washington, he is the burr in Fed Chairman Bernanke’s saddle: the rogue heartland banker who keeps dissenting alone—for the […]

“Gold Miners Gain on Fed’s Latest Views”

“Miners such as Newmont (NEM) and Silver Wheaton (SLW) galloped to new highs on Wednesday, as gold prices reached another new peak in the wake of the Fed’s latest comments. […]


“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only […]

“Repudiate the National Debt”

“In the spring of 1981, conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives cried. They cried because, in the first flush of the Reagan Revolution that was supposed to bring drastic […]

Art Carden to Speak at Rhodes College, Nov. 17

The Sound Money project of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation will be sponsoring a lecture on “The Importance of Sound Money” by Dr. Art Carden at Rhodes College on November […]

Devaluing the Dollar

“The historical episodes of hyperinflation that we know of consisted of rapidly falling money demand alongside rapidly rising money supply. In general terms, what tends to happen is that after […]