“The stimulus is causing an artificial rebound in the economy that cannot be maintained, says Jerry Jordan, former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.” Watch it here. “The […]
“The stimulus is causing an artificial rebound in the economy that cannot be maintained, says Jerry Jordan, former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.” Watch it here. “The […]
“Federal Reserve policymakers and many of the world’s other top central bankers are gathering Thursday for their annual retreat and symposium in the shadow of the Grand Tetons. They are […]
“The Federal Reserve has asked a U.S. appeals court to stay a ruling that it must disclose documents regarding borrowing from its discount window and other “last resort” lending programs […]
“YES, there is a government bond bubble. And it’s huge. Uncle Sam and his counterparts in the EU and Japan are broke and are, almost surely, going to print vast […]
“The FEE archives are full of correspondences. Many of these letters contain interesting discussions on the economics, politics, and philosophy of liberty. Shifting through them it becomes clear that those […]
“A week ago, the Federal Reserve initiated a new program of “quantitative easing” (QE), with the Fed purchasing U.S. Treasury securities and paying for those securities by creating billions of […]
“The largest U.S. banks have an implied government safety net that gives them a lower cost of capital compared to community banks even after a congressional overhaul of banking regulation, […]
“Mr. Geithner cited the possibility of giving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac an “elegant funeral.” But that wouldn’t mean a government exit from its prominent role in America’s housing market. […]
“The Fed’s purchases today will be its second this week, after it bought $2.551 billion of notes on Aug. 17. The central bank plans to purchase about $18 billion of […]
“When the U.S. government wishes to spend more money than it receives as tax revenue, it covers the shortfall by borrowing, and foreign lenders have become increasingly important sources of […]