Tom Duncan

“How to Feed a Recovery”

“To get a sense of the current economic climate, I spoke with John Taylor, Stanford economics professor and George P. Shultz Senior Fellow in Economics at the Hoover Institution. He […]

“Lots of Regulatory Expansion but Little Reform”

“In the wake of every financial crisis, politicians face the demand that they Do Something. They feel they have to enact something to “make sure this never happens again”—although historically […]

“Nationalization of the Morgage Market”

“On Sunday, September 7, the United States government took control of more than half the U.S. mortgage market, through its seizure—and that is the word used in mainstream press accounts—of […]

“The Austrian Theory: One More Time”

“The Austrian theory is not a theory of recessions per se; it is a theory of the unsustainable boom. As such, it has a much stronger link to the underlying […]

Monetary Policy and Productivity

“This relationship holds, I believe, because low inflation tends to focus people’s attention on productive investments at the same time it promotes confidence by delivering stability, while high inflation tends […]