Tom Duncan

“Should the Fed Pump Even More”

“The only way fiscal and monetary stimulus could “work” is if the flow of real savings (i.e., real funding) is large enough to support (i.e., fund) government activities and activities […]

Age of Inflation

“Professor Hans F. Sennholz is the outstanding student of Ludwig von Mises whose lifetime work specialized in monetary and financial economics. This book is one of his great legacies to […]

The Inflation Crisis and How to Resolve It

“No subject is so much discussed today – or so little understood – as inflation. The politicians in Washington talk of it as if it were some horrible visitation from […]

“Inflation and Deficit Spending Revisited”

“In a recent article in this journal, Giffin, Macomber, and Berry (1981), hereafter referred to as GMB, attempt to test the hypothesis that larger deficits cause increases in the money […]

“Budget Deficits and Inflation”

“The sharp rise in the rate of inflation in 1973, after two years of diminishing rates, was a great surprise to many. What was the primary cause? Many rea-sons have […]

“Money Dominates”

“Financial panics are usually followed by sharp economic snap backs. The post-Panic of 2008 has failed to follow this typical “V-shaped” economic recovery pattern. After almost two years, the U.S. […]

“Fannie, Freddie Remain Unfixed”

“With much fanfare, President Obama has signed the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill, promising the most sweeping reform since the Great Depression. This massive bill extends regulation to many parts of […]