Tom Duncan

“Fed Nominees Support Expanded Duties”

“Hours before the Senate approved a far-reaching overhaul of Wall Street regulations on Thursday, President Obama’s three nominees to the board of the Federal Reserve said they were prepared to […]

“The Uncertainty Principle”

“So Republicans Scott Brown, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins now say they’ll provide the last crucial votes to get the Dodd-Frank financial reform through the Senate. Hmmm. Could this be […]

“Economic Recovery Slower Than Expected”

“Federal Reserve leaders marked down their expectations for growth and inflation last month, concluding that the economic recovery is proceeding more slowly than they had thought in the spring but […]

Money and Banking: The American Experience

The style of Money and Banking: The American Experience is one of article and comment. An author provides an article on the issues of money and banking in the U.S. […]

Gold Wars

“This book is much more than a chronicle of gold wars. It is also an account of the historical failure of ‘Esperanto money.’ Over a hundred years ago, a Polish […]

Getting Off Track

“Throughout history, financial crises have always been caused by excesses—frequently monetary excesses—which lead to a boom and an inevitable bust. In our current crisis it was a housing boom and […]

“A Free-Market Monetary System”

“When a little over two years ago, at the second Lausanne Conference of this group, I threw out, almost as a sort of bitter joke, that there was no hope […]

“See You Next Tyranny Day”

“According to New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman in his mega-best-selling book Hot, Flat, and Crowded, China banned plastic bags a few years ago. “Bam! Just like that–1.3 billion […]