Tom Duncan

“The Role of Monetary Policy”

“There is wide agreement about the major goals of economic policy: high employment, stable prices, and rapid growth. There is less agree-ment that these goals are mutually compatible or, among […]

The Housing Boom and Bust

“Now, in The Housing Boom and Bust (Basic Books), Sowell contemplates the greatest expansion of government power in a generation, which was itself occasioned by the greatest economic crisis in […]

“Motionless Fed Likely to Provide No Cheer”

“No news isn’t always good news. When Federal Reserve officials meet this week, almost two months will have passed since their last policy-setting conclave, the longest such stretch of the […]

“China May Have Dug a Financial Hole”

“In late 2008, with the financial crisis rippling through the global economy, China’s leaders embarked on a two-year, $586 billion spending program to try to stave off a recession and […]

“The Folly of Currency Pegs”

“The current flap over the sustainability of Greece’s membership in the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) is reminiscent, in many ways, of the events leading up to the collapse […]

“Fed limits card fees to $25”

“Most credit card penalties will be limited to $25 and fees for customers who don’t use their cards will be eliminated under rules released Tuesday by the Federal Reserve. The […]