Tom Duncan

“Greece’s Threat to the Euro”

“All too often in the midst of an economic and financial crisis, policymakers either engage in denial or else take flights into fantasy. Sadly, the present Greek crisis is proving […]

“The Limits of Monetary Policy”

“History has shown that monetary stability—money growth consistent with a stable and predictable value of money—is an important determinant of economic stability. Safeguarding the long-run purchasing power of money is […]

“The Case for Auditing the Fed is Obvious”

“Recently, the Federal Reserve has significantly altered the procedures and goals that it had followed for decades. It has more than doubled its balance sheet, paid interest to banks on […]

“The Early Word: Financial Fights”

“Senate Democrats will try for the third consecutive day to bring a financial overhaul to the floor for debate, after Republicans twice blocked such attempts. Like clockwork, Republicans are expected […]

“Greece Formally Requests EU/IMF Aid”

“Prime Minister George Papandreou said Friday that ‘the time has come’ for Greece to request aid under a joint European-International Monetary Fund bailout mechanism following months of turmoil in Greek […]

In a Culture of Excess, the Fat Cats will Rule

“Free market economists are not necessarily defenders of business. Crony capitalism has a long history. Mercantilism was a form of crony capitalism, and was the main target of Adam Smith’s […]

“Academia’s War Against Free Market Money”

“In a confrontational and much-needed article, Prof. William Anderson launched a counter-attack against mainstream academic economists’ refusal to consider seriously the Austrian School’s theory of money. Despite the fact […]