“Australia’s inflation target band is a touch higher and more flexible than those of most other advanced economy central banks, such as the Bank of England’s 2 per cent target. […]
“Australia’s inflation target band is a touch higher and more flexible than those of most other advanced economy central banks, such as the Bank of England’s 2 per cent target. […]
“As the U.S. housing market boomed in the past decade and fueled a bull market in mortgage investments, Norway’s government-owned fund went along for the ride — and the fall.” […]
“Why did the U.S. financial system nearly collapse last year? People blame Wall Street’s excessive greed and risk-taking. But without easy money, the massive risk-taking could not have happened. To […]
In an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke commented on his “exit strategy”. There is a large amount of money floating around in the economy, and the Fed […]
“What would be the consequences of applying the principle of laissez-faire—that is, completely free markets—to money? While the idea may seem strange to most people, economists have debated the question […]
“The volume of mortgages written back then Stunned imaginations. In a single quarter in 2003, A trillion in originations! But something happened late that year That caused long rates to […]
“It is largely a myth that unregulated financial capitalism failed and new regulation is needed. Aside from health care, financial services is the most heavily regulated industry in the economy. […]
“To alleviate the global recession, the G-20 group of nations recently agreed to authorize the International Monetary Fund to allocate $250 billion worth of Special Drawing Rights — the IMF’s […]
“After a month of wrangling, Argentine President Cristina Kirchner succeeded in sacking central bank President Martin Redrado last week. In his place she named Mercedes Marcó del Pont, a Yale-trained […]
“We are now more than two years into the Great Recession, which began in December 2007. In the Great Depression, this was the point where the Fed decided to raise […]