Tom Duncan

“US Looks Abroad for Housing Help”

“As the U.S. housing market boomed in the past decade and fueled a bull market in mortgage investments, Norway’s government-owned fund went along for the ride — and the fall.” […]

The Yo-Yo Tactic: Stop and Go Economics

In an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke commented on his “exit strategy”. There is a large amount of money floating around in the economy, and the Fed […]

“Competing Money Supplies”

“What would be the consequences of applying the principle of laissez-faire—that is, completely free markets—to money? While the idea may seem strange to most people, economists have debated the question […]

“The Financial Crisis, In Rhyme Form”

“The volume of mortgages written back then Stunned imaginations. In a single quarter in 2003, A trillion in originations! But something happened late that year That caused long rates to […]

“Money and the Present Crisis”

“It is largely a myth that unregulated financial capitalism failed and new regulation is needed. Aside from health care, financial services is the most heavily regulated industry in the economy. […]

“An International Monetary Fund Currency…”

“To alleviate the global recession, the G-20 group of nations recently agreed to authorize the International Monetary Fund to allocate $250 billion worth of Special Drawing Rights — the IMF’s […]

“Argentina Seizes the Central Bank”

“After a month of wrangling, Argentine President Cristina Kirchner succeeded in sacking central bank President Martin Redrado last week. In his place she named Mercedes Marcó del Pont, a Yale-trained […]

It’s October 1931

“We are now more than two years into the Great Recession, which began in December 2007. In the Great Depression, this was the point where the Fed decided to raise […]