Tom Duncan

“The U.K.’s Persistent Inflation Problem”

“The U.K.’s economic policy puzzle just got harder. Inflation was expected to rise in December, but not by a full percentage point to 2.9%. That is well above market expectations […]

“The Dynamics of Disintervention”

“Examples of the move from piecemeal to comprehensive intervention are found in the 1930s after the collapse of social democratic policies in Weimar Germany and in the United States after […]

FEE Interview With Peter Boettke and Steven Horwitz

Mike Van Winkle interviews Professors Peter Boettke and Steven Horwitz, co-authors of the recent FEE monograph “The House That Uncle Sam Built,” about what led to the financial meltdown and […]

Interview With George Selgin

“I use the term to mean laissez-faire banking — banking without any special government regulations or restrictions. Like free trade, it’s an ideal concept. It doesn’t refer to any specific […]

Fed Up

“Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), the libertarian-leaning congressman and failed 2008 GOP presidential candidate, has been suspicious of the Federal Reserve since before first entering Congress in 1976. In a 1981 […]

“Denationalisation of Money”

“In my despair about the hopelessness of finidng a politically feasible solution to what is technically the simplist possible problem, namely to stop inflation, I threw out in a lecture […]

The Fed Is Too Powerful To Be Unaccountable

“Now is the time to examine the proper functions of the Federal Reserve System–especially those of the Board–and make systemic changes. The popularity of US Rep. Ron Paul’s bill to […]

Counterfeiting versus Monetary Policy

“Congress is on a spending binge. With all the calls for bailouts, economic stimulus and other assorted handouts, there is a real risk of inflation in our future. If we […]