“The U.K.’s economic policy puzzle just got harder. Inflation was expected to rise in December, but not by a full percentage point to 2.9%. That is well above market expectations […]
“The U.K.’s economic policy puzzle just got harder. Inflation was expected to rise in December, but not by a full percentage point to 2.9%. That is well above market expectations […]
“Examples of the move from piecemeal to comprehensive intervention are found in the 1930s after the collapse of social democratic policies in Weimar Germany and in the United States after […]
On February 5, 2010, our friends at the Cato Institute will be hosting a Capitol Hill Briefing, “Greed, Irresponsibility, or Policy Mistakes: What Caused the Recession?”. Go here for more […]
Mike Van Winkle interviews Professors Peter Boettke and Steven Horwitz, co-authors of the recent FEE monograph “The House That Uncle Sam Built,” about what led to the financial meltdown and […]
“I use the term to mean laissez-faire banking — banking without any special government regulations or restrictions. Like free trade, it’s an ideal concept. It doesn’t refer to any specific […]
“Like a post office, a central bank does useful things. That fact that it does useful things does not make either institution efficient, at least not in its present-day form […]
“Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), the libertarian-leaning congressman and failed 2008 GOP presidential candidate, has been suspicious of the Federal Reserve since before first entering Congress in 1976. In a 1981 […]
“In my despair about the hopelessness of finidng a politically feasible solution to what is technically the simplist possible problem, namely to stop inflation, I threw out in a lecture […]
“Now is the time to examine the proper functions of the Federal Reserve System–especially those of the Board–and make systemic changes. The popularity of US Rep. Ron Paul’s bill to […]
“Congress is on a spending binge. With all the calls for bailouts, economic stimulus and other assorted handouts, there is a real risk of inflation in our future. If we […]