Our friends at the Cato Institute hosted their 27th Annual Monetary Conference: Restoring Global Financial Stability on November 19th, 2009. Go here to find the list of speakers and listen […]
Our friends at the Cato Institute hosted their 27th Annual Monetary Conference: Restoring Global Financial Stability on November 19th, 2009. Go here to find the list of speakers and listen […]
“With the massive increases in federal spending, inflation is one of the risks that awaits us. To protect us from the political demagoguery that will accompany that inflation, let’s now […]
The Mises Instute’s Austrian Scholar’s Conference discusses the transition to sound money. Atlas would like to thank Bradley Jansen for providing the link.
In something of a reversal of the usual government policies to keep prices high, the government of Venezuela is going to great lengths to keep prices low, even in the […]
“Inflation is a tax on financial assets. This tax is paid by those unlucky investors, corporations, and foreign central banks that hold financial assets denominated in the currency that is […]
“Though circumstances and times change, the basic principles of economic progress and sound market order do not. There is no mystery about them. They involve sound money, low taxes, property […]
“Even as the Dow sits above 10,000, the public remains justifiably anxious about the state of the economy. The Federal Reserve has worked overtime to convince the public that it […]
“In the present century centralised banking systems have come to be regarded as the usual concomitant, if not one of the conditions of the attainment of an advanced stage of […]