Tom Duncan

Cato Institute’s Monetary Conference 2009

Our friends at the Cato Institute hosted their 27th Annual Monetary Conference: Restoring Global Financial Stability on November 19th, 2009. Go here to find the list of speakers and listen […]

Inflation and Deficits

“With the massive increases in federal spending, inflation is one of the risks that awaits us. To protect us from the political demagoguery that will accompany that inflation, let’s now […]

Transition to Sound Money

The Mises Instute’s Austrian Scholar’s Conference discusses the transition to sound money. Atlas would like to thank Bradley Jansen for providing the link.

Price “Stability” for Venezuela

In something of a reversal of the usual government policies to keep prices high, the government of Venezuela is going to great lengths to keep prices low, even in the […]

“Inflation: The Silent Tax”

“Inflation is a tax on financial assets. This tax is paid by those unlucky investors, corporations, and foreign central banks that hold financial assets denominated in the currency that is […]

“Sound Money and a Liberal Market Order”

“Though circumstances and times change, the basic principles of economic progress and sound market order do not. There is no mystery about them. They involve sound money, low taxes, property […]

“Income During Inflation”

“Even as the Dow sits above 10,000, the public remains justifiably anxious about the state of the economy. The Federal Reserve has worked overtime to convince the public that it […]